On Jan. 20th, Macao, the Huading Awards Committee decided to revoke Chinese actress Zheng Shuang’s honorary titles, which were “Best Actress in Modern Chinese TV Series of the 19th Huading Awards” and “Popular Top 10 TV Series Stars of the 13th Huading Awards.”

According to the Huading Awards Committee, recently Zheng Shuang was exposed by her ex-boyfriend Zhang Heng for trying to abandon their two children born in the United States in 2019 to surrogate mothers because of their breakup. It not only caused a sensation in the Chinese entertainment industry, but also caused verbal criticism from billions of netizens and the public. Afterwards, Zheng Shuang posted a late response on her social media Weibo account, in which she only emphasized that she did not violate the law both in China and United States, which did not convey any sense of regret or apology, and she even didn’t mention the two children. The Chinese public felt extremely disappointed about her reaction and the Chinese National Radio and TV Admonition decided to put Zheng Shuang in the blacklist and block all her appearances. Surrogacy is banned in mainland China, and as a Chinese citizen she broke the law and challenged the bottom line of humanity.

According to the relevant regulations of the "Management Measures for the Honorary Title of the Huading Award," the person in-charge said: "The exposure of Zheng Shuang's surrogacy and abandonment incident has shocked the public. This kind of celebrity who tramples on the law and corrupts morals runs counter to our original intention of awarding the honor. This must not be tolerated.” The Huading Awards Committee decided to renounce all her honorary titles and revoke her certificates and awards.

About the Huading Awards:

The Huading Awards are a set of entertainment awards established by Global Talents Media Group. It is held more than once per year across multiple media from Chinese entertainment industry to international films and music. The Huading Awards have been held in Los Angeles many times and have been praised by the Hollywood Reporter as "an award integrating Oscars, Grammys and Emmys." Dozens of Hollywood celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Quentin Tarantino, Mel Gibson, Natalie Portman won the award.