LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The best choice for healthcare in 2014 may come as a surprise for those who didn't even know such a service was available: concierge medicine from house call doctors. This medical practice offers 24-hour doctors on call for an annual retainer fee. As practiced by House Call Doctor Los Angeles, this method cuts out the middlemen of health insurance companies, although a bill of care can later be submitted to the insurance agency. Now that thousands in Los Angeles have signed up for insurance starting the first of the month of 2014, the anxiety over costs associated with a concierge doctor can be allayed.

Waiting for reimbursements from health insurance has long been a thorn in the side of physicians. The reason why doctors often dislike having to work with the red tape of insurance is because they must work excessive hours in order to cover their overhead while waiting for health insurance reimbursements. This causes a vicious cycle of working overtime and filling their schedule beyond capacity so they can see as many patients as possible, but only for very short periods of time. What makes House Call Doctor Los Angeles and physicians of its ilk different from the typical primary care physician is that they are able to have unhurried appointments with patients, and a direct, uncomplicated financial relationship. This enables the doctor to cap the number of patients he sees, and spend as much time with the patient as is necessary for treatment.

In fact, board-certified internist Dr. Michael Farzam, the CEO and Founder of House Call Doctor Los Angeles, decided to become a concierge physician in order to focus more on his patients. This creates a fulfilling career that allows direct communication with patients, much preferred to the common set-up where a support staff spends more time with patients than the physician. As an additional benefit to the client and his business, Dr. Farzam does not need to worry about excessive overhead expenses that would hamper his practice.

This year will roll out great changes in the healthcare sphere, now that patients don't have to worry about having to pay out of pocket because of no insurance coverage. While Dr. Farzam's patients do pay him directly, claims may easily be submitted to health insurance for reimbursement to the patient, just as they can for any other healthcare provider. Overall, both patient and doctor stand to benefit from the Affordable Healthcare Act which has just been rolled out.

Prospective patients interested in concierge medicine in Los Angeles are encouraged to visit www.HouseCallDoctorLA.com or to call 310-849-7991 any time of day, including weekends and holidays, for medical care or to request a fee schedule. House Call Doctor Los Angeles may harken back to the days of doctors making house calls, but it is also the future of medicine. Dr. Farzam can treat almost any non-emergency health ailment, from broken bones to the flu or flare ups of chronic conditions such as diabetes, and much more. Call today to learn more about how Dr. Farzam and his team can help make your 2014 healthy and happy!

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SOURCE House Call Doctor Los Angeles