With respect to the approval at the Tehran Islamic City Council of double emergency of a plan to equip diesel-engine public transportation fleet with filters absorbing smoke pollutants, Tehran deputy mayor said the pilot study of the plan will be carried out in the capital city.

Jaafar Tashakori Hashemi, deputy for transportation and traffic of Tehran Municipality told Shahrnevesh that the Tehran mayor lays emphasis on control of pollution created by diesel-engine public transportation fleet.

With the approval of the Islamic City Council, installation of filters absorbing smoke pollutants on diesel-engine public transportation fleet has been put on the agenda of activities.

Diesel engines are one of the sources of producing suspended particulates especially suspended particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). Emission of pollutants should be controlled from the source producing them and for this reason filters will be installed on urban diesel engine fleet.

Scientific study has been conducted on this project for over a year, Tashakori Hashemi said.

Samples of smoke particulates absorbing filter have been prepared and would be installed on ten buses of the urban public transportation fleet.

Installation of the pollutant cleaning filters is something new in the world and only several countries have used it. Results of expert studies of other countries indicate that these filters have reduced the amount of smoke particulates to zero.

According to the report, the final cost of equipping each bus with the filter is not determined yet, however, after conducting the pilot study and reviewing the results, the filters will be installed on all the urban diesel engine fleet.

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