WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TMCF applauds President Trump’s signing of the HBCU Propelling Agency Relationships Towards a New Era of Results for Students Act (HBCU PARTNERS Act) into law.

“We thank President Trump for signing this important legislation and extend our appreciation to the White House Initiatives on HBCUs for its effort to work with us to champion a long, sought-after goal to memorialize substantive federal agency engagement with HBCUs through the passage of the HBCU PARTNERS Act,” said TMCF President and CEO Harry L. Williams.  “Passing consequential legislation, such as this, is not possible without creating and activating the bi-partisan and bi-cameral coalitions needed to bring the resources to our institutions that they need and deserve.  Cementing the key elements of previous Executive Orders that encouraged agency engagement with HBCUS, sets the stage for us to be even more ambitious in trying to achieve greater federal investment in HBCUs and helping to strengthen the research and development work happening on our campuses and building greater institutional capacity in other areas.   We look forward to increased engagement with federal agencies as we transition to the Biden Administration.”

“I want to thank Congress and the Administration for passing the bipartisan HBCU PARTNERS Act.  As a member of the President’s Board of Advisors, I am pleased to see our policy recommendations codified in the HBCU Partners Act,” said Aminta H. Breaux, president of Bowie State University. “This bipartisan legislation represents a crucial step in ensuring the long-term viability and competitiveness of HBCUs through coordinated federal partnerships, supporting the important role of these institutions in the development of America’s workforce.” 

"All Historically Black Colleges and Universities benefit when Congress enacts bipartisan legislation like the HBCU PARTNERS Act," said Delaware State University President Tony Allen. "A Delaware State University we've always said that all that our students require to succeed is equal access to opportunity, and the PARTNERS Act stimulates a new level of access to research and funding opportunities for all HBCUs. We commend our own Congressional delegation, and especially US Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), as well as the many legislators across the nation who continue to work quietly and effectively for the good of all Americans."

“The passage and signing of the HBCU PARTNERS Act is a milestone for the nation’s Historically Black Colleges or Universities (HBCUs),” said Dr. Quinton T. Ross, Jr., President of Alabama State University. “This new law heightens the opportunity for federal agencies to partner with HBCUs and to engage with an untapped pipeline of incredibly talented students, alumni and faculty.”

“The passing of the HBCU PARTNERS Act is a historic piece of legislation that will ensure that we, as HBCUs, continue to have a seat at the table. As institutions of higher learning, we rely heavily on federal programming and engagement with private and public sector entities to further our mission of serving underrepresented communities through education and experiential learning opportunities,” said John Pierre, Chancellor of the Southern University Law Center. “This Act signifies a positive win for HBCUs and higher education across the board.”



Established in 1987, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) is the nation’s largest organization exclusively representing the Black College Community. TMCF member-schools include the publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions, enrolling nearly 80% of all students attending black colleges and universities. Through scholarships, capacity building and research initiatives, innovative programs, and strategic partnerships, TMCF is a vital resource in the K-12 and higher education space. The organization is also the source of top employers seeking top talent for competitive internships and good jobs.

TMCF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization. For more information about TMCF, visit: www.tmcf.org.

TMCF Press
Thurgood Marshall College Fund