HOUSTON, Jan. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Max Patterson, executive director of the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems (TEXPERS), has been hailed by CORPaTH, an international pension alliance, as a "Champion" in defense of retirement security for working Texans.

The award was presented at the 2014 CORPaTH Summit & Crystal Globe Awards in Las Vegas in honor of Patterson's achievements in "protecting, promoting and perpetuating defined-benefit pensions," said Ron Auer, executive director of CORPaTH.

"Max Patterson's leadership in developing conferences that benefit Texas pension trustees and his efforts to monitor and shape good legislation for local pensions deserved recognition by our CORPaTH affiliates and participants," said Auer.

Also honored at the Dec. 17, 2014 event were United Food and Commercial Workers International Union President Marc Perrone and North America's Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey.

"Max Patterson's and TEXPERS' work to preserve defined-benefit pensions in Texas exemplifies CORPaTH's mission to ensure all working men and women earn a dignified retirement," Auer added.

CORPaTH is an alliance of trustees, consultants, asset managers, administrators, elected officials and other professionals who oversee pension assets, Lifetime Income Security Accounts (LISA) and Guaranteed Lifetime Income Accounts (GLIA) for the benefit of working men and women.

TEXPERS is a statewide association organized in 1989 to provide educational programs for more than 80 Texas retirement systems. These systems serve more than 400,000 active and retired members with more than $45 billion in assets.

The organization, under Patterson's leadership, organizes two conferences each year for the purpose of providing local pension trustees with the training and information they need to make investment and administrative decisions for their system. Patterson also has served on a committee that helped the Texas Pension Review Board set training standards for new pension trustees, as required by a 2013 state law.

For more information on TEXPERS, visit www.TEXPERS.org or email texpers@texpers.org. For CORPaTH, visit www.CORPaTH.org or email info@CORPaTH.org.

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