Ordinary shares of PJSC TATNEFT will be included in the calculation of 'The Moscow Stock Exchange-RUIE Index of Responsibility and Openness' and 'The Moscow Stock Exchange-RUIE index Vector of Sustainable Development'.

The new bases of calculation for the above indices formed by the Moscow Stock Exchange will begin operating from January 27, 2020. They include shares admitted to trading on the exchange, which issuers are the leader based on the assessment of the largest Russian companies' reports in the area of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility submitted to RUIE in December 2019.

The Index of the Moscow Stock Exchange-RUIE 'Responsibility and Openness' includes shares of the leading companies in terms of the volume and quality of the information disclosure, and the Index of the Moscow Stock Exchange-RUIE 'Vector of Sustainable Development' - in terms of analyzing the performance dynamics and the goal orientation of the companies' activities.

The Moscow Stock Exchange-RUIE indices are calculated on the analysis basis of the largest Russian companies in the field of ESG (Ecology, Social Development and Corporate Governance) performed annually by RUIE. The composition of the index calculation bases is reviewed on the annual basis. The index values are published on the websites of the Moscow Stock Exchange and RUIE, and they are also broadcast through news agencies on a daily basis.

The inclusion of the TATNEFT's shares in the Moscow Exchange - RUIE sustainable development indices is a confirmation of the Company's implementation of advanced policies in the area of the social development, ecology and corporate governance, as well as an indicator of the TATNEFT's attractiveness for a constantly growing number of investors who take into account the sustainable development factors when investing in the Company's securities. In particular, in 2019, TATNEFT joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC), voluntarily making commitments related to the implementation of the principles and achievement of the UN GC sustainable development objectives.

Forward-looking statements: These materials contain certain statements about future events and expectations that are forward-looking by virtue of their nature. Any statement in these materials that is not a historical fact is a forward-looking statement that involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, accomplishments and achievements expressed in such forward-looking statements to differ. PJSC TATNEFT assumes no obligation to update such forecasts to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements.


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