SyndicationPro has established its headquarters in Lehi, Utah, and welcomes TJ Lokboj as it continues to grow by 35.44% rolling into 2021. SyndicationPro, the #1 Capital Raising & Investment Management Software, decided to build its roots in Lehi, Utah, because of the quality of battle-tested tech talent the city offers. The company is looking forward to having TJ Lokboj lead the Silicon Slopes office and join Jacob Blackett and Ameet Mehta as a co-founder and executive partner.

The Real Estate Investment Management Software has pioneered disruptive innovation to provide real estate syndicators and fund managers access to technology that automates fundraising, investor relations, and institutional-level reporting. The company has increased its customer base by more than 50.64% in 2020 and is set to continue its current growth trajectory in 2021. To lead this digital transformation in the capital raising and investment management industry, SyndicationPro plans to hire across product, engineering, marketing, and sales in Lehi, Utah.

TJ Lokboj is an entrepreneur, originally born in the Republic of the Marshall Islands and now resides in Utah. Before joining SyndicationPro, TJ built a personal real estate investment portfolio and eventually co-founded Doorstock, an apartment syndication firm, specializing in multifamily acquisitions and new construction. He has also successfully led initiatives in digital transformation and cloud migration for customers at several enterprise SaaS companies. TJ has also built deep expertise in optimizing people, processes, and systems as well as supporting the development of high performing sales teams at some of the most reputable startups in Silicon Valley and Utah.

With a recent round of funding, SyndicationPro will continue to expand and hire people at its headquarters in the rising technology hub known as Silicon Slopes in Utah.

More information about TJ Lokboj is available at the company’s About Us page at

“We needed a turn key syndication program to help us spend less time on administrative work and more time on taking down deals. SyndicationPro was the answer! Super easy to use and professional looking for our investors,” Jenny Gou, Managing Partner, of Vertical Street Ventures, said.