Warsaw, 24 January 2014 2/2014 Confidential information - signing of a collaboration agreement with Indra

The Management Board of Sygnity S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as "Sygnity") informs that on 24 January 2014, Sygnity S.A and Indra Sistemas, S.A. with its registered office in Madrid (hereinafter referred to as "Indra") signed a collaboration agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement").
The Agreement pursues mutual cooperation to leverage on the knowledge and competence of Sygnity and Indra in key business sectors such us banking, finance, insurance, public sector, healthcare, utilities and telecommunications.
The collaboration of both parties is aimed at the extension of the mutual products and services offer to better address common markets.
Indra is a global consulting and technology company providing innovative products and services e.g. for the transport and traffic, energy and industry, public administration and healthcare, financial services, security and defence as well as telecom and media sectors. The company operates in more than 128 countries and has more than 42,000 employees worldwide.
The Agreement is binding by the end of December 2014 with automatic renewal for the subsequent years.
The Agreement is governed by Polish law.

Legal basis: Article 56 paragraph 1 point 1 the Act on public offering - confidential information

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