Sunrise UPC is updating its working conditions and launching a consultation process for job cuts

Opfikon / Wallisellen, 21 January 2021

  • The merger of Sunrise and UPC is leading to job cuts despite great growth potential.The consultation process has been initiated.
  • A social plan has been adopted in cooperation with the syndicom trade union and both employee representations.
  • Working conditions are being updated, with standardised wage structures, extended paternity leave and the new "FlexWork" working model.

The integration of Sunrise and UPC is progressing rapidly. Currently, the new organisational structure is being decided and the selection for the management levels is underway. This process is expected to result in job cuts and will take until April. After this time the specific magnitude of all job reductions up to conclusion of the integration process will be known. Sunrise UPC expects that the number of affected employees will be significantly less than 30% of the current number of employees. Moreover, Sunrise UPC will be able to give the majority of the employees a clear perspective of their function in the combined company no later than the end of June. The entire integration process will take several years, as is often the case with such mergers.

To support the employees affected in this process as well as possible, Sunrise UPC has initiated a consultation process and negotiated and drawn up a social plan together with the syndicom trade union and both employee representations.

André Krause, CEO of Sunrise UPC says: "I am glad that we have been able to work out an extremely solid social plan for Sunrise UPC thanks to the good and constructive co-operation with the syndicom trade union and both employee representations. This ensures that the employees concerned are not just financially supported."

Giorgio Pardini, Executive Committee syndicom, ICT Sector: "Thanks to Sunrise UPC involving syndicom early on, the new social plan was agreed upon quickly. The social plan offers younger employees the opportunity to be reintegrated into the labour market as quickly as possible. At the same time, it enables older employees to retire early with security."

The most important elements are:

  • The social plan applies to all employees of Sunrise and UPC (excluding the management team).
  • The employees affected will receive professional support in the form of an outplacement programme.
  • Sunrise UPC will provide a fund of CHF 2.5 million for individual measures to bridge any gaps, such as training measures or individual hardship cases.

Standardised wage structures

As part of the integration process, the different wage structures will also be standardised. This process has also been started and it is closely connected to the final organisational structure of the joint company. As usual, the current market and economic situation will be taken into account, as well as the further development of the pandemic. Sunrise will therefore conduct wage negotiations with the syndicom union in the second quarter.

Extended paternity leave and a modern, flexible work model

Sunrise UPC will grant fathers extended paternity leave of a maximum of 25 working days at full pay. With this extended option, which is above average compared to the legal entitlement, Sunrise UPC underlines the importance of promoting the compatibility of family and career. Sunrise UPC is also doing this by defining the "FlexWork" work model, which was developed together with the syndicom trade union, external experts and both employee representations. "FlexWork" allows employees to decide for themselves how and where they will work with their colleagues in the future. Sunrise UPC will provide employees with the necessary equipment and software solutions.

We are available to media representatives for further information:
Media Relations
Tel. +41 58 388 99 99

syndicom - Media and Communication Trade Union

Giorgio Pardini

+41 79 277 66 13

Press release, 21 January 2021

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