File No.110/7/2015/NA(Part-ll)‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

T hrough E-mail/Websit e of Minist r y of Coal F.No- 110/ 7/ 2015 /NA (Part -II)

Gove rnment of India Minist ry of Coal 0/ o t he Nominat ed Aut hor ity

* * * *

13 1, Ground Floor, World Tra de Centre, Ba ba r Road

New Delhi - 110001, Date d lothJa nua ry, 2017

OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Minut e s of t he meet ing t o review st at us of 7 2 coal mines alloc at ed under Coal Mines (Special Provisions ) Act, 2015.

The und ersigne d is dire cted to refer to subje ct mentioned a bove a nd to forwa rd herewith minutes of the meeting he Id unde r the Cha irma ns hip of Joint Se cretary a nd No mina te d Authority, a t the Offic e of the Nominated Authority, on 21.12.2016 a nd 26.12.2016 to review the sta tus of 72 c oa l mines a llocate d under the Coa l Mines (Specia l Provisions) Ac t, 2 015, for information a nd further necessa ry a ction, please.

Encl : As a bove


(N.K. Singh ) Deput y Sec ret ar y t o Government of India


  1. The Se creta ry, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Cha nge, Indira Pa rya va ra n Bha va n, J orba gh Roa d, New De lhi - 110 003.

  2. The Chie f Se c reta ry, Sta te Governme nt of J ha rkha nd/Chha ttisga rh

    /Ma ha ra stra/Ma d hya Pradesh/Telanga na/Od isha/We st Benga I.

  3. CMD, CMPDIL, Ka nke Road, Ra nchi.

  4. The Pa rticipa nts a s per Anne xure .

  5. us (CA-III), Moc

  6. TD, NIC- for uploa ding on the website of MoC.

    Summary record of the meeting held on 21/12/2016 & 26/12/2016 by Nominated Authority to review progress of coal mines allocated through auction I allotment

    The Nominated Authority chaired the meeting and welcomed the participants.

    The list of participants are at Annexure A & B.


  7. Chotia
  8. (Schedule II)

    Bharat Aluminium Company Limited

    The Successful Bidder stated that the mine consists of two parts, Chotia I &

    II. Both parts consist of both opencast and underground areas. However, the prior Allottee did not create any mining infrastructure in the underground parts and only mined the opencast portion of Chotia I, which is now exhausted. Thus, mining presently is only possible in the opencast portion of Chotia II. The Successful Bidder has revised the Mine Plan accordingly and applied for EC.

    Action : MoEF 2. Gare Palma IV/4

    (Schedule II)

    Hindalco Industries Limited

    The Successful bidder has sought flexibility in production capacity from the underground and opencast portion of the mine keeping the overall limit of 1 million tonnes per annum mandated in the EC. The office of the Nominated Authority has recently recommended the same to Ministry of Environment and Forests.

    The Successful Bidder informed that they need permission for depillaring of the underground part. The Successful Bidder was advised to write to DGMS with a copy to Ministry of Coal.

    The Successful Bidder also submitted that the Government of Chhattisgarh has sought an amount of Rs. 3 crores as transfer fee for land. The NA informed the Successful Bidder that a clarification has already been issued to the States in this matter which is available on the website.





    Successful Bidder


    Government of Chhattisgarh

    3. Gare Palma IV/5

    (Schedule II )

    Hindalco Industries Limited

    The Successful Bidder has represented that after amendment of coordinates as per WGS-84 System the coal reserves of Gare Palma IV/5 has got reduced to

    26.5 million tonnes. The Successful Bidder therefore requested for allotment of additional area containing 26 million tonnes of coal or reducing the final bid price.

    It has further represented that in case of Gare Palma IV/4 coal mine, a sizeable portion of lease area goes beyond the coordinates readjusted under WGS 84 system. Successful Bidder requested that as the mine Gare Palma IV/5 and IV/4 are allotted to the same company and having a common lease boundary, the portion of lease boundary marked as "PQRSTUVWXYZ" in the map as submitted be accepted as common boundary between these two mines.

    These issues need to be examined in consultation with CMPDI.

    Action: 1. NA

    2. CMPDIL

    4. Gare Palma IV/7

    (Schedule II )

    Monnet lspat & Energy Limited

    The Government of Chhattisgarh has been asked to confirm presence of forest land which has been added to the mine area after changes in coordinates as per WGS 84 system. Director (Mines), Chhattisgarh has informed that the said report has been forwarded to the State Government for onward transmission to the Ministry of Coal. Further action shall be taken on receipt of the report.

    Action: Government of Chhattisgarh 5. Gare Palma IV/8

    (Schedule 1 1 1)

    Ambuja Cements Limited

    The R&R Plan has not been finalised as yet. In the review meeting held in January, 2016 also the State Government of Chhattisgarh was advised to resolve the issue of adoption of earlier approved R&R Plan or the need for fresh R&R Plan. It seems the same has not been done as yet.

    The Successful Bidder also informed that the multiplication factor for valuation of land has not been finalised as yet. This also needs to be expedited. It was also informed that the State Government has transferred 34 hectares of Government land and the Successful Bidder has mutated 12 hectares of land in its favour.

    It was decided that these matters shall be brought to the notice of Chief Secretary of Chhattisgarh for early resolution.

    Action: Government of Chhattisgarh
    1. Gare Palma Sector - I (Schedule 1 1 1)

      Gujarat State Electricity Corporation

      The Successful Allottee informed that they will soon submit the Mine Plan as the GR has been finalised. The Successful Allottee further submitted that they shall now proceed with purchasing the land. An advice from Nominated Authority to the State Government prohibiting transfer of land in the area would be useful.

      The matter of usage of a road was discussed by the Successful Allottee with officials of M/s Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd. in the meeting and it has been established that it is a public road and they are free to use it and no permission is needed.

      There is no further need for re-demarcation of the boundary.

      Action: Successful Bidder


    2. Gare Palma Sector - II (Schedule 111)

      Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd.

      The Ministry of Coal has recently received the application for grant of prior approval for the grant of Mining Lease. However, the coordinates mentioned in the application are at variance with the coordinates notified at the time of allotment. It seems that in the interim CMPDIL has issued revised coordinates, however, a copy of the same is not available in the office of NA. A clarification from CMPDIL shall be needed for resolving these issues.

      The Allottee is in the process of acquisition of land for which Gram Sabha meetings have been completed on 7 of the 14 villages.

      Action: CMPDIL

    3. Gare Palma Sector Ill (Schedule 111)

      Chhatisgarh State Power Generation Co. Ltd.

      The Successful Allottee informed that mining lease has been granted recently by the State Government.

      It was noted that the Successful Allottee had applied for transfer of EC on 23rd September, 2015. The same has not been transferred as yet. The Allottee was advised to take up the matter with MoEF as the delay is unusual.

      Action MoEF

    4. Gidhmuri & Paturia Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Co. Ltd.

    Ministry of Coal of the Republic of India published this content on 10 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
    Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 January 2017 10:33:07 UTC.

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