Real gross domestic product grew 0.2% in November, up for a fifth consecutive month.

The output of goods-producing industries grew 0.4% in November, led by an increase in mining and oil and gas extraction and, to a lesser extent, in utilities. Manufacturing and the agriculture and forestry sector declined. Construction edged down.

The output of service industries rose 0.2% in November. Retail trade, the finance and insurance sector and the public sector increased. Arts and entertainment as well as transportation and warehousing services also advanced. Wholesale trade and professional services were down.

Chart 1 
Real gross domestic product grows in November

Chart description: Real gross domestic product grows in November

CSV version of chart 1

Mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction increases

Mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction increased 1.7% in November. Following a 0.7% decline in October, oil and gas extraction rose 2.6% in November as both oil and natural gas production grew.

Mining and quarrying (excluding oil and gas extraction) was up 1.3%. Potash and coal mining increased, while metal ore mining declined.

On the other hand, support activities for mining and oil and gas extraction fell 2.4% in November, as drilling services declined.

Chart 2 
Oil and gas extraction rises in November

Chart description: Oil and gas extraction rises in November

CSV version of chart 2

Utilities rise

Utilities rose 2.1% in November. The demand for both electricity and natural gas was up, in part because of colder than usual weather in some parts of the country.

Retail trade increases while wholesale trade declines

Retail trade rose 0.8% in November. Increases were recorded at motor vehicles and parts dealers, electronics and appliance stores as well as clothing and clothing accessories stores. In contrast, retailing activity was down at food and beverage stores and at building material and garden equipment stores.

After rising for four consecutive months, wholesale trade decreased 0.6% in November. Wholesaling of machinery, equipment and supplies, building material and supplies as well as farm products were the main sources of decline.

Manufacturing output down

Manufacturing output was down 0.5% in November, following two consecutive monthly increases. Manufacturing of non-durable goods fell 0.9%, mainly as a result of declines in chemical manufacturing, printing and related support activities as well as plastic and rubber products manufacturing.

Manufacturing of durable goods edged down 0.1% in November. Declines in the manufacturing of furniture and related products and fabricated metal products more than offset gains in primary metal and transportation equipment manufacturing.

Construction edges down

Construction edged down 0.1% in November. Declines in residential building construction and repair works outweighed increases in non-residential building and engineering construction.

The output of real estate agents and brokers decreased 0.4% in November, down for a second consecutive month, as activity in the home resale market decreased.

Other industries

Transportation and warehousing services grew 0.3%, mainly as a result of increases in rail transportation and support activities for transportation.

The public sector (education, health and public administration combined) increased 0.2%, with growth in all of its components.

Chart 3 
Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, November 2013

Chart description: Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, November 2013

CSV version of chart 3

Note to readers

The monthly gross domestic product (GDP) by industry data at basic prices are chained volume estimates with 2007 as the reference year. This means that the data for each industry and each aggregate are obtained from a chained volume index multiplied by the industry's value added in 2007. The monthly data are benchmarked to annually chained Fisher volume indexes of GDPobtained from the constant-price input-output tables up to the latest input-output tables year (2010).

For the period starting with January 2011, the data are derived by chaining a fixed-weight Laspeyres volume index to the prior period. The fixed weights are 2010 industry prices.

This approach makes the monthly GDPby industry data more comparable with the expenditure-based GDPdata, chained quarterly.

All data in this release are seasonally adjusted. For more information on seasonal adjustment, see Seasonal adjustment and identifying economic trends.


With this release of monthly GDPby industry, revisions have been made back to January 2013.

For more information about monthly national GDPby industry, see the System of macroeconomic accounts module on our website.

Available in CANSIM: table CANSIM table 379-0031.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number survey number 1301.

Data on gross domestic product by industry for December 2013 will be released on February 28.

For more information, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300;

To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Allan Tomas (613-951-9277), Industry Accounts Division.

Date modified:2014-01-31
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