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Domestic production of crude oil and equivalent hydrocarbons rose 11.0% to 16.6 million cubic metres in September from September 2012.

During the same period, crude oil exports increased 4.3%.

Marketable natural gas production increased 1.1% to 10.8 billion cubic metres.

Domestic sales of natural gas rose 1.5% while natural gas exports fell 9.0%.

Note to readers

Data are subject to revision.

Selected series are available on CANSIMup to September 2013 inclusive. All series are available for crude oil (126-0001) up to April 2013 inclusive, and for natural gas (131-0001) up to August 2013 inclusive.

Available in CANSIM: tables CANSIM table126-0001 and CANSIM table131-0001.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number survey number2198.

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Date modified:2014-01-07
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