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The Commercial Rents Services Price Index increased 0.4% in the third quarter following a 0.2% increase in the second quarter.

On a year-over-year basis, the index advanced 1.4% in the third quarter compared with the same quarter in 2011.

Chart 1 
Services Producer Price Index: Commercial rents

Chart description: Services Producer Price Index: Commercial rents

CSV version of chart 1

Note to readers

The Commercial Rents Services Price Index is a monthly index which is disseminated on a quarterly basis. Prices collected are average rents measured in price per square foot for a sample of commercial buildings.

With each release, data for the previous quarter may have been revised. The series is also subject to an annual revision with the release of second quarter data of the following reference year. The index is not seasonally adjusted.

Table 1
Services Producer Price Index: Commercial rents - Not seasonally adjusted
Third quarter 2011 Second quarter 2012r Third quarter 2012p Second quarter to third quarter 2012 Third quarter 2011 to third quarter 2012
% (2006=100) % change
Services Producer Price Index: Commercial rents 100.00 107.6 108.7 109.1 0.4 1.4

The Commercial Rents Services Price Index is released at the national level with no industry breakdown and, therefore, carries a relative importance of 100.

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