Increase in exports and decrease in imports compared to November 2011

In November 2012 Slovenia exported goods worth EUR 1,863.8 million and imported goods worth EUR 1,831.5 million, which means that exports represented 101.8% of imports. In November 2012 exports, given in EUR, was 0.3% higher than in November 2011, while imports decreased the November 2011 value of imports by 9.2%.
Slovenia's exports to EU Member States in November 2012 worth over EUR 1 billion
The value of trade with EU Member States amounted to EUR 1,303.8 million for dispatches (70.0% of total exports) and EUR 1,366.0 million for arrivals (74.6% of total imports). As regards trade with EU non-member countries, Slovenia exported goods worth EUR 560.0 million and imported goods worth EUR 465.4 million.
Increase in exports and decrease in imports in the first eleven months of 2012 over the same period of 2011
According to provisional data for the first eleven months of 2012 Slovenia's exports amounted to EUR 19,419.5 million (an increase by 1.0% compared to the same period of 2011), while imports amounted to EUR 20,290.6 million (a decrease by 1.7% compared to the same period of 2011). The external trade deficit amounted to EUR 871.1 million and the export/import ratio was 95.7%.

Table 1: Exports and imports of goods, November 2012

X 12 XI 12 I-XI 12 XI 12
XI 11
I-XI 12
I-XI 11
1000 EUR indices
Exports 1,905,595 1,863,812 19,419,524 100.3 101.0
EU-27 1,318,177 1,303,820 13,491,670 99.1 98.7
EU non-member countries 587,417 559,992 5,927,854 103.4 106.6
Imports 1,980,122 1,831,460 20,290,631 90.8 98.3
EU-27 1,498,568 1,366,020 15,415,020 89.2 97.6
EU non-member countries 481,553 465,440 4,875,611 95.9 100.3
Trade balance -74,527 32,353 -871,107 -1) -1)
Exports as % of imports 96.2 101.8 95.7 -1) -1)

1) The figure would not be logical.

Source: SURS


Snježana L. Štuhec
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