Average monthly net earnings for November 2013 4.5% higher than earnings for October 2013 and 1.0% higher than earnings for November 2012
Average monthly net earnings for November 2013 amounted to EUR 1,044.89. Compared to October 2013 they were 4.5% higher and compared to November 2012 they were 1.0% higher. In real terms, average monthly net earnings for November 2013 decreased by 0.3% compared to November 2012 and increased by 4.6% compared to the previous month. Average monthly gross earnings for November 2013 amounted to EUR 1,617.19. Compared to October 2013 they were 6.0% higher and compared to November 2012 they were 0.3% higher.

Compared to October, average monthly earnings for November increased due to higher extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses). Although persons in paid employment in some companies receive extra payments already during the year, most of them receive them with earnings for November. With earnings for November 2013, 14.1% of persons in paid employment received also extra payments. This is 2.4 percentage points lower than for November 2012 and 2.9 percentage points lower than for November 2011. In other months, the shares of persons in paid employment who received extra payments were between 2.6% and 5.5%.

On average, extra payments for November 2013 amounted to EUR 699,95 gross
With earnings for November 2013, relatively the most persons in paid employment received also extra payments in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (55.4% of persons in paid employment received on average EUR 478.93 gross). This activity was followed by financial and insurance activities (26.6% of persons in paid employment received on average EUR 661.32 gross extra payments) and agriculture, forestry and fishing with 24.2% of persons in paid employment who received on average EUR 562.64 gross extra payments. On average, the highest extra payments (EUR 1,174.59) were paid to persons in paid employment in transportation and storage. 9.2% of persons in paid employment in this sector received extra payments.

Increase in average monthly earnings less evident in the public than in the private sector
Compared to October 2013, average monthly net earnings for November 2013 increased in the private sector more (by 6.8%) than in the public sector (by 1.1%), while in the general government sector they increased by 0.5%.

Table 1: Average monthly earnings and nominal indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2013

EUR Indices
XI 13 Ø I - XI 13 Ø IX-XI 13 XI 13
X 13
XI 13
XI 12
Ø I-XI 13
Ø I-XI 12
XI 13
Ø 12
Gross earnings 1,617.19 1,521.21 1,546.25 106.0 100.3 99.8 106.0
Net earnings 1,044.89 996.04 1,009.42 104.5 101.0 100.5 105.4

Source: SURS

Table 2: Average monthly earnings and nominal indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, November 2013

EUR Indices
XI 13 Ø I - XI 13 XI 13
X 13
XI 13
XI 12
Ø I-XI 13
Ø I-XI 12
Total 1,617.19 1,521.21 106.0 100.3 99.8
  Public sector 1,771.14 1,738.62 101.6 98.8 98.7
  - of which general government 1,720.04 1,715.75 100.6 98.7 97.4
  Private sector 1,533.94 1,402.47 108.9 101.3 100.5
Total 1,044.89 996.04 104.5 101.0 100.5
  Public sector 1,145.39 1,131.48 101.1 99.6 99.8
  - of which general government 1,123.23 1,121.57 100.5 99.9 98.8
  Private sector 990.53 922.07 106.8 101.8 101.0

Source: SURS

Table 3: Average gross earnings index by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2013

    XI 13     
Ø XII 12 - XI 13
Slovenia 106.2

Source: SURS

Table 4: Real indices of average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2013

XI 13 
X 13
XI 13
XI 12
Ø I-XI 13
Ø I-XI 12
Gross 106.1 99.0 97.9
Net 104.6 99.7 98.6

Source: SURS

Methodological note

Detailed final data on average monthly earnings in Slovenia for November 2013 will be published on 27 January 2014 on the SI-STAT Data Portal on SURS's website.

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