Sortis Holdings Inc. (SOHI), a Portland, Oregon-based private investment firm, has launched the Sortis Opportunity Zone Fund. The fund, created to take advantage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017, will allow accredited investors to benefit from one of the best capital gains tax reduction programs in a generation.

Opportunity zones are geographic areas, designated by their respective state governments, in which investors can invest realized capital gains into real estate projects and qualified businesses and benefit under the new tax law. The Sortis Opportunity Zone Fund will invest in the Western U.S. with a focus on the Northwest, following the same footprint of the company’s successful lending fund, the Sortis Income Fund.

“We pride ourselves on providing wealth-building private investments through both lending and direct real estate investments,” said Paul Brenneke, Sortis founder. “The Sortis Opportunity Zone Fund will allow accredited investors to take advantage of our unique investment strategies while postponing, reducing and eliminating expensive capital gains tax they would otherwise have to pay.”

The fund will include investments in retail, office, hospitality and multifamily developments and re-developments as well as qualified businesses located in opportunity zones. Sortis will deploy several proprietary strategies that were designed specifically to capitalize on the unique opportunities created by this new law.

Capital gains from a sale of any property, stock or business assets will qualify for beneficial treatment under the new law as long as the gains are invested within 180 days of the gain being realized. As this is a short window, Sortis opened its fund on Nov. 1, 2018, to ensure that accredited investors with 2018 gains can take advantage of the offer. For details on investment options or to learn more about Sortis, visit

About Sortis Holdings

Sortis Holdings is a private investment firm with a primary focus on real estate, both as a lender and direct investor. With its roots as a former bank holding company, Sortis has evolved into a diversified firm that both lends and opportunistically invests in real estate with a focus on the Western U.S. Since real estate and financial markets are constantly evolving, the firm’s ability to move between asset classes and positions in the capital stack makes it more nimble than its competitors. Operating under the principles of client focus, integrity, hard work and creativity, Sortis Holdings provides its accredited investors with well-managed, diverse, asset-based investment strategies. Learn more at