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Press release

                 Safran consolidates electrical power activities
                  within a single entity, Labinal Power Systems

Paris, January 6, 2014

Safran has created Labinal Power Systems, a new industrial entity consolidating
all of its electrical power system activities. This new integrated entity,
which covers all aircraft electrical power systems, places Safran in a strong
position to continue its successful breakthrough in the expanding market for
"more electric" aircraft.

Safran's new center of expertise mainly comprises Labinal (world leader in
electrical wiring interconnection systems), Safran Power (a specialist in
onboard power systems) and Aerosource (MRO services for airborne electrical
equipment). It also includes Safran Engineering Services (specialist in
engineering services, especially for electrical systems) and Technofan
(ventilation systems and electric motors). Alain Sauret has been named Chairman
and CEO of Labinal Power Systems, which counts 12,000 employees at 45 offices
and facilities around the world.
Labinal Power Systems is included in Safran's Aircraft Equipment businesses and
combines activities which were hitherto in this segment. Thus, the group's
segment reporting is not impacted by this reorganization.

Through Labinal Power Systems, Safran is creating a world leader in electrical
wiring interconnection systems (EWIS) and power systems. Safran is also
bolstering its cross-disciplinary Research & Technology programs for all
airborne electrical power systems, while expanding its engineering capabilities
and fostering a more flexible organization.

"This consolidation marks a major step forward for Safran," said Marc Ventre,
Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Operations. "It perfectly reflects our
development strategy, anchored in technological differentiation. Safran is now
capable of offering complete, world-class electrical power systems for aircraft.
We have in our portfolio most major technology bricks relevant to aircraft
electrical generation and distribution."

The inevitable trend towards "more electric" aircraft offers exciting new
opportunities for Safran, which took a decisive step forward in 2012 by
acquiring Goodrich Electrical Power Systems. At the end of 2013 Safran also
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus to develop an electric taxiing
system for the A320 family.

                                  * * * * *

Safran is a leading international high-technology group with three core
businesses: Aerospace (propulsion and equipment), Defence and Security.
Operating worldwide, the Group has 62,500 employees and generated sales of 13.6
billion euros in 2012. Working alone or in partnership, Safran holds world or
European leadership positions in its core markets. The Group invests heavily in
Research & Development to meet the requirements of changing markets, including
expenditures of 1.6 billion Euros in 2012. Safran is listed on NYSE Euronext
Paris and is part of the CAC40 index.

For more information, / Follow @SAFRAN on Twitter

Safran                                                         Press Contacts:

Communications Department                                      Catherine MALEK
2, bd du Général Martial Valin                        Tel +33 (0)1 40 60 80 28
75724 Paris Cedex 15 - France              

                                                              Caroline COUDERT
                                                      Tel +33 (0)1 40 60 82 20

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