WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- SafeGov.org today released its latest report titled "Staying Safe in Cyberspace: Cloud Security on the Horizon" at the MeriTalk 2014 Cloud Computing Brainstorm held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The report proposes an integrated approach to cloud implementation to help agencies realize the benefits of cloud technologies while meeting current Federal cybersecurity requirements. Until now, efforts to implement cybersecurity and cloud computing initiatives have been fragmented and lack overarching coordination. This report works to address this gap in a series of recommendations intended to mitigate risk while harnessing the vast rewards provided by cloud technologies.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140116/NY47494LOGO )

"As our government makes the critical transition to cloud, we have both an opportunity and a challenge to make this shift in an efficient, coordinated manner by establishing a standard for agencies to implement moving forward," said report co-author Karen Evans, former administrator for e-government and IT at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and current national director for the U.S. Cyber Challenge. "Our hope is that this report serves as a guide for agency CIOs to reap the benefits of cloud technologies while keeping with today's cybersecurity requirements."

Ultimately, the proposed framework seeks to shift from a compliance-based cybersecurity paradigm to one that is risk-based and focused on how to most effectively secure cloud technologies. The framework was developed through a collaborative process - consulting experts from both the public and private sectors - including a cross-section of key stakeholders with senior leaders from the Federal CIO Council, Department of Defense, DHS, Department of Justice, and experts from SafeGov.org.

SafeGov.org's recommendations were designed to delineate essential functions for both the private sector and Federal government. The report also takes this a step further by outlining the details of what this network architecture should look like - including performance metrics for agencies as well as identity management practices at the end-user level.

"These recommendations are today more important than ever as the Federal government continues to embrace mobility and cloud computing, noted report co-author Julie Anderson, SafeGov.org expert and managing director of the Civitas Group. "This report is an important step in setting a new standard for agencies to adopt cloud technologies that works in concert with today's regulatory landscape to harness the full potential of cloud."

"Much of today's Federal IT leaks like a sieve," said Steve O'Keeffe, founder at MeriTalk. "By simplifying computing, cloud offers Feds a path forward to a more efficient and secure tomorrow. MeriTalk is thrilled to be hosting this event that promises a lively conversation on these important issues."

For detailed information on each of the proposed recommendations, the full report is available online at www.safegov.org.

About SafeGov.org:

SafeGov.org is an online forum for IT providers and leading industry experts dedicated to promoting trusted and responsible cloud computing solutions for the public sector. By fostering a more comprehensive understanding of cloud technologies, including their benefits, capabilities and limitations, SafeGov.org works to empower government users to make well-informed procurement choices from the growing universe of marketplace offerings.

About MeriTalk:

The voice of tomorrow's government today, MeriTalk is a public-private partnership focused on improving the outcomes of government IT. Focusing on government's hot-button issues, MeriTalk hosts Big Data Exchange, Cloud Computing Exchange, Cyber Security Exchange and Data Center Exchange - platforms dedicated to supporting public-private dialogue and collaboration. MeriTalk connects with an audience of 85,000 government community contacts. For more information, visit www.meritalk.com or follow us on Twitter, @meritalk.

Jennifer Sukawaty
(202) 393-7337
jsukawaty@brunswickgroup.com or info@safegov.org

SOURCE SafeGov.org