SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- SEPHORA, the leading beauty retailer, announced today the creation of SEPHORA Accelerate, a new program established to foster early-stage beauty businesses founded by female entrepreneurs. SEPHORA Accelerate is a key initiative of SEPHORA STANDS, the company's broad new social impact strategy built on the pillars of philanthropy, aligned social engagement, and shared value, to inspire confidence and fearlessness among women. Comprised of three distinct programs designed to address the needs of entrepreneurs, communities, and SEPHORA employees, SEPHORA STANDS will continue to take shape throughout 2016, exclusively in the SEPHORA AMERICAS region.

"SEPHORA is uniquely positioned to support and inspire women as they achieve their goals, and from the beginning, it's been among the top requests from both our clients and our employees," said Calvin McDonald, President and CEO of SEPHORA AMERICAS. "While past efforts have been effective on a local level, SEPHORA STANDS is a holistic new strategy, spearheaded by our Head of Social Impact, Corrie Conrad, which allows us to better leverage the depth of our expertise and the incredible passion of our employees for a more focused result."

SEPHORA STANDS is the latest example of the company's unrivaled leadership in the beauty industry, and born from the belief that beauty is for each person to define and for SEPHORA to celebrate in all its diversity. SEPHORA is pioneering these three new initiatives to build a long-term social impact program by cultivating the next generation of beauty businesses, creating community social engagement, and strengthening the support system for its employees.

    --  SEPHORA Accelerate Currently, female entrepreneurs do not have the same
        access to funding, connections, or business instruction as male
        entrepreneurs do, a fact reflected by the statistic that 85% of venture
        capital funded start-ups are led exclusively by men.* Recognizing that
        even in the beauty industry, where most customers are women, female
        founders are still underrepresented, SEPHORA designed the SEPHORA
        Accelerate program to build a community of innovative female founders in
        all areas of the beauty industry. SEPHORA Accelerate eschews a
        competition-style format and instead embraces a more collaborative and
        supportive structure, creating an approach that catalyzes growth and
        infuses social impact into each brand's work.

Qualifying candidates are invited to apply for one of up to 10 coveted spots in the year-long program, with applications reviewed in partnership with OpenIDEO, the social innovation platform of IDEO, the award-winning global design firm. Each "Fellow" must meet specific criteria, including being a founder or co-founder of their business, being committed to building social impact into the company's DNA, and fitting within two broad categories: leading a company that creates a cosmetic product, or a company that creates technology or provides services related to beauty or that could be relevant to the beauty industry.

Once selected, the Fellows participate in a bootcamp at SEPHORA's Headquarters in San Francisco designed to teach the necessary skills to run and build their businesses. They also gain access to an exclusive mentorship program comprised of Sephora's network of beauty industry leaders, and become eligible for possible funding through SEPHORA. The goal of SEPHORA Accelerate is, by 2020, to support more than 50 women-led beauty businesses with a social impact through bootcamps, mentorship, and small loans.

SEPHORA will be announcing the inaugural SEPHORA Accelerate Cohort in March 2016.

    --  Classes for Confidence SEPHORA will also introduce Classes for
        Confidence in April 2016, an initiative that utilizes the company's
        existing infrastructure and programs for even greater good. This series
        of specialized in-store classes are complimentary and were developed to
        help inspire confidence in women facing major life transitions. Classes
        for Confidence offer a supportive environment where participants can
        learn and have fun, while also empowering SEPHORA store employees to
        make a difference in their communities. Currently being piloted in six
        states, the program has already benefitted local women re-entering the
        workforce, and those in transitional housing and shelter programs.

SEPHORA aims to inspire confidence in 100,000 women by 2020 through these special classes.

    --  SEPHORA Stands Together The final pillar of SEPHORA STANDS is the
        creation of SEPHORA Stands Together, a new philanthropic emergency and
        hardship fund designed to support all eligible employees in times of
        need. SEPHORA Stands Together provides short-term assistance to SEPHORA
        employees facing financial hardship caused by natural disaster, family
        emergency, and other unexpected events.

To learn more about SEPHORA STANDS and the individual programs, log on to or

    *Professors Candida G. Brush, Patricia G.
     Greene, Lakshmi Balachandra, and Amy E.
     Davis, and the Arthur M. Blank Center for
     Entrepreneurship Babson College; Diana
     Report Women Entrepreneurs in 2014:
     Bridging the Gender Gap in Venture
     Capital (September, 2014)

    About Sephora Americas

    Sephora is a leader in global beauty
     retail, teaching and inspiring clients to
     play in a world of beauty. Sephora has
     earned its reputation with its expertise,
     innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit,
     and has been changing the face of
     prestige cosmetics since its debut in
     Paris in the early 1970's. A year after
     its acquisition by luxury group LVMH Moët
     Hennessy Louis Vuitton in 1997, Sephora
     expanded its empire to North America with
     a revolutionary store model that broke
     down the department store counter. Now
     with more than 360 stores in the
     Americas-including US, Canada, Mexico,
     and Brazil-plus 500 inside JCPenney,
     Sephora has become a leading
     international beauty destination with
     over 2,000 locations in 31 countries,
     plus an award-winning website and an
     intuitive mobile app. Clients have the
     opportunity to play with 14,000 products
     from 200 carefully curated brands,
     featuring indie darlings, emerging
     favorites, trusted classics, and
     Sephora's private label, SEPHORA
     COLLECTION. In store, the client receives
     personalized recommendations from the IQ
     system, and at the Beauty Studio she
     explores her look with makeovers,
     complimentary classes, hands-on events,
     and one-on-one consultations. Online
     she interacts with an inclusive beauty
     community on the award-winning Beauty
     Board, interactive Beauty Talk, and The
     Sephora Glossy blog. And as one of
     Sephora's 17 million Beauty Insiders, she
     feeds her beauty addiction with unique
     rewards and experiences. Sephora offers
     endless ways to explore beauty. For the
     latest, visit

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