EDP España has long focused on generation and distribution of electricity at the lowest possible cost to customers. But under competitive pressure, the company is focusing even more closely on customer needs. Wanting to recover former customers, it needed to identify and understand them. That's when the company turned to SAS® Customer Intelligence for integrated marketing management. Using SAS, EDP España is gaining customer insight, rekindling relationships, building market share and increasing revenue.

"With SAS Marketing Automation, our customer recovery rates are above 80 percent," said Ricardo Santander, Director of Marketing and Business-to-Consumer Sales at EDP España. "In addition, many customers have combined gas and electricity services and opted for new maintenance services. As a result, EDP España achieved loyalty of 95 percent among electricity customers and 80 percent loyalty among gas customers."

Read this white paper about the ways analytics can help retain customers. It explains several CRM best practices and describes how SAS' marketing analytics can give organizations the knowledge they need to make good decisions even in the most challenging environment.

Customer loyalty, retention soar

SAS helped EDP España automate processes in its customer relationships, which is essential, considering the customer base consists of 2 million people. SAS Marketing Automation also allows EDP España to achieve multichannel campaign management with its customers, optimizing communications through all available channels.

"Multichannel management is important to us, and SAS allows us to adapt to the needs of each customer segment," says Carlos Menéndez, Head of Business Intelligence at EDP España. "We are also able to segment customers according to their predicted lifetime value. Now, we focus campaigns on those customers with the greatest potential."

SAS also supports EDP España's initiative to prevent attrition of its most valuable consumers. Proactive measures are taken so these customers are less responsive to potential competitive offerings. Thanks to these customer loyalty and retention efforts, EDP España has achieved excellent fidelity ratios.

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SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps customers at more than 65,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®.

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Faye Merrideth, 919- 531-4261