Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Management Briefing: just-food's Industry Outlook for 2015" report to their offering.

In this latest management briefing, just-food takes a look at some key trends that are likely to be key to the food sector in 2015.

We take a close look at how consumer trends will shape NPD in the industry this year. Influencers from mobile tech to mass migration have had a profound effect on every aspect of the CPG sector.

Upward pressure is continuing in food industry M&A transactions, as demonstrated by some large public deals in 2014. We draw attention to one particular potential driver of higher-equity values, and thus higher transaction volume, in so-called main-street M&A.

We predict what will be the key issues in food sustainability circles in 2015, with the debate over sugar likely to continue to rage.

With multichannel playing to consumer demand for convenience, this trend seems set to accelerate in 2015. Analysts believe this year is going to be "the breakthrough year of online".

The - relatively speaking - sluggishness of the Chinese economy has been a subject of debate in recent months and the country looks set to see GDP growth slow in 2015, which will only intensify competition in an already tough market. However, the prospects for India look brighter and a number of countries in south-east Asia offer increasing opportunities.

And in shopper trends, despite signs consumer confidence is returning with value sales rising by 3% for FMCG across Europe, manufacturers remain challenged by intense pressure on price across the region, impacting unit sales that were down by 2% across Europe last year.

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