Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Iron Ore Mining Industry in Russia - Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2020" report to their offering.

This report includes drivers and restraints affecting the industry, profiles of major iron ore mining companies and information on major active, planned and exploration mines.

This Russia Iron Ore Mining report also provides a comprehensive understanding of the iron ore mining industry in Russia. This report provides historical and forecast data on iron ore production, consumption and trade (export and/or imports) to 2020.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Tables & Figures

2 Executive Summary

3 Introduction

4 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Drivers and Restraints

4.1 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Drivers

4.2 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Restraints

5 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Production, Reserves, Consumption and Trade

5.1 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Total Production

5.2 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Total Reserves

5.3 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Total Consumption

5.4 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Exports and Imports Scenario

6 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Major Active Projects, Planned Projects and Exploration Projects

6.1 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Major Active Projects

6.2 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Major Planned Projects and Exploration Projects

7 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Competitive Landscape

7.1 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Key Companies, OAO Holding Company Metalloinvest

7.2 Russia Iron Ore Mining Industry - Key Companies, OAO Severstal

8 Appendix

Companies Mentioned

  • OAO Holding Company Metalloinvest
  • OAO Severstal

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Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager.
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716
Sector: Mining