Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Industry, 4Q 2013" report to their offering.

This research report presents shipment volume forecast and recent quarter review of the worldwide TFT-LCD panels used in tablets. The report includes tablet TFT-LCD panel shipment volume, shipment volume and share by panel size, as well as shipment breakdown by manufacturer's country of origin. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with TFT-LCD panel makers.

The report finds that shipment volume of the worldwide tablet TFT-LCD panels reached around 51.1 million units in the third quarter of 2013, still witnessing a doubt-digit year-on-year growth but declining sequentially. 7- and 8-inch panels have become the mainstream for tablets, taking up 72% of the total tablet panel shipments in the third quarter of 2013. The industry's shipment volume is expected to have picked up growth momentum in the fourth quarter, bolstered by the year-end's holiday shopping season. However, the industry is anticipated to see the year-on-year decline, the first time ever, in the first quarter of 2014.

Key Topics Covered:

Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Volume, 3Q 2011 - 1Q 2014

Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Volume by Size, 3Q 2011 - 3Q2013

Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Share by Size, 3Q 2011 - 3Q2013

Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Volume by Production Location, 3Q 2011 - 3Q2013

Worldwide Tablet TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Share by Production Location, 3Q 2011 - 3Q2013

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