ATREM S.A. RB 2 2012


Current Report No. 2 / 2012

Date of preparation: January 11, 2012

Abbreviated name of the issuer
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject:
Dates of periodical report release in 2012 by Atrem S.A. Legal basis:
Article. 56, paragraph 1 item 2 of the Public Offering Act.- current and periodical information
Report content:

The Board of ATREM S.A. hereby presents the fixed dates of publication of periodical reports in 2010:

a) extended consolidated quarterly reports for the:
- 1st quarter of 2012 - May 15, 2012
- 3rd quarter of 2012 - November 14, 2012

b) semi-annual reports

- report for the first half of 2012 - 31 August 2012

- consolidated report for the first half of 2012 - 31 August 2012 c) annual report for 2011 - March 20, 2012

d) consolidated annual report for 2011 - March 20, 2012

Following the regulations of § 83 sec 1 of the Minister of Finance Directive of 19 February 2009, the Issuer will not submit separate quarterly reports.
Following the regulations of § 101 sec. 2 of the Minister of Finance Directive of 19 February 2009 the Issuer informs that it will not submit consolidated report for 2nd quarter 2011; as well following § 102 sec. 1 the Issuer informs that it will not submit consolidated report for 4th quarter 2010
Legal Basis: § 103 sec. 1 of the Minister of Finance Directive of 19 February 2009 concerning current and periodical reports submitted by issuers and conditions for acknowledgement of same information required by
law of a non-member-state country (Dz. U. No 33 item 259).