LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Celebrity Psychic Medium and Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser has just released her 2017 Predictions, forecasting global war, attacks in Asia, and a major California earthquake. Oser also predicts investigative journalists will reveal the stock market as currently overvalued and that there will be a major banking crisis resulting in a market crash. Get ready to party like it's 1929.

"I channeled on my radio show and in my blog, 6 months before it happened, that there would be a July 2015 stock market crash in Asia, and the market crashed in China on the exact week I predicted. In my 2016 Predictions, I foresaw that new chemical elements would be added to the Periodic Table, and four elements were announced a week later," says Oser. In 2016, she predicted Trump's Hollywood Access hot mic scandal. And Oser cracked a 2014 Philadelphia carjacking case, publishing in advance of the press details such as names and whereabouts of the perpetrators.

Oser works with thousands of clients worldwide.

"...she inquired about my sister's health, suggesting unequivocally that she get a mammogram. Concerned, I spoke with my sister the next day. She had just been for a mammogram at which time they found a [benign] mass." -Karen

"I asked Kyra specifically about my missing cat...not only did she sense that he had a cone on his head, which was true after surgery, but also reassured me that he was alive. 2 weeks later he came home." -Lauren

"...I've read with 30+ mediums...Kyra blows them away...She mentioned Moishe...and Kyra doesn't know Yiddish...The name Leo popped up as an uncle...I never met him. He perished with most of my father's family in Auschwitz." -Suzanne

About Kyra Oser

Kyra Oser is a certified hypnotherapist featured in radio, TV, and magazine interviews throughout the world. She hosts KKNW's America's Love Channel, having begun her career as a host of CBS Radio's Zodiac Divas. Oser is featured on FamousPsychicMediums.com and is known for past life regressions, tarot card readings, and psychic life coaching. To learn more, visit KyraOser.com

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To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/renowned-psychic-medium-kyra-oser-introduces-new-blog-post-highlighting-predictions-for-2017-and-beyond-300390003.html

SOURCE Kyra Oser