Recalculation has been made in accordance with the terms of the outstanding warrants program TO1 following the successfully completed rights issue in December. The third subscription period started January 22 until February 5, 2021.

Insplorion has one outstanding warrant programs, TO1 2018/2023 which was distributed to all shareholders in connection with the financing agreement with ESGO, signed at the beginning of 2018. TO1 is traded on Spotlight Stock Market (INSP TO1) until January 28 and from January 29 at Nasdaq First North.
For TO1 2018/2023, is the subscription price is SEK 11.50, unchanged. The number of shares that each warrant entitles to subscribe for is 1.033, previously 1. The recalculation is regulated under § 8 in TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS IN INSPLORION AB (PUBL) SERIES TO1 2018/2023.

The third subscription period commences to exchange the options (TO1) for shares recently started, January 22. The subscription period runs until February 5, 2021.

In the event that the holder of warrants holds the warrants in a custody account, in an investment savings account or in a capital insurance (nominee registered ownership), notification / subscription shall be made to the bank / trustee. For more information and further instructions on how to use your warrants, please contact your bank / trustee in good time. Note that the banks / trustees need your application for the exercise of the series 1 warrants in good time before the subscription period ends, at 4.00 pm, February 5, 2021.

The issuing institution is the Eminova Fondkommission, which is reached on +46 8 684 211 00 or

The next two subscription periods are as follows:

· Saturday, January 22, 2022 through Saturday, February 5, 2022
· Sunday, January 22, 2023 through Sunday, February 5, 2023

The terms for the warrants are published on the Insplorion website: 

Questions are answered by:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion AB, +46 723 62 32 61 or

Insplorion AB (publ)
Arvid Wallgrens backe 20
SE-413 46 Göteborg

+46 31 380 26 95

Insplorion AB, with its disruptive sensor platform NanoPlasmonic Sensing (NPS), operates within four field;. air quality sensors, hydrogen sensors, battery sensors and research instruments. The sensors are  small, durable and cost efficient at volume production. Our sensor technology  enables air quality sensors at home, in cars and in public environment, Our hydrogen sensors show a sub-second response time, making them the fastest in the world and will promote the growth of hydrogen infrastructure. The battery sensor optimizes battery control and usage. Our instruments give scientists around the world nanometer sensitive real time data of surface processes in fields like catalysis, material- and life science.,c3273415,c2870540

(c) 2021 Cision. All rights reserved., source Press Releases - English