The Rapaport Group is pleased to announce the launch of the new monthly Rapaport Research Report. The report provides unrivaled insight into transaction trends, market performance and developments throughout the diamond pipeline. It includes in-depth market analysis along with proprietary Rapaport diamond data.

Each issue of the Rapaport Research Report will highlight a core topic affecting the diamond industry. The January edition’s focus, “Credit to the Diamond Industry: Overstocked and Underpaid?” covers the relationship between the trade and the banks, stressing that if the industry wants to boost its creditworthiness, midstream manufacturers and dealers must raise their profits, be more transparent and proactively improve the trade’s reputation.

The report also provides extensive data from RapNet©, the world’s largest diamond trading platform, giving a snapshot of search, inventory and transactional information. This includes average prices, discounts and inventory by country, alongside search volume, average time to sale, and transaction volume.

This combination of analysis and real-world diamond trading information offers readers a powerful understanding of the industry and trends.

The annual subscription to the Rapaport Research Report is $1,000. The January issue is being released free of charge to 78,000 Rapaport contacts.

To download the report and for additional information, please visit