PKH 201301310040A
Appointment to Independent Board

Protech Khuthele Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2000/024352/07)
Share code: PKH ISIN: ZAE000101986
(ôProtechö or the ôCompanyö)


1. Appointment to the Independent Board

Protech shareholders are advised that Malcolm Adamson has been appointed, with
effect from 31 January 2013, as a member of the independent board of Protech
constituted to consider the unsolicited firm intention by Eqstra Holdings Limited
(ôEqstraö) to acquire the entire issued ordinary share capital of the Company that it does
not already own (the ôEqstra offerö) (the ôIndependent Boardö).

ôAs an Independent Board, we are confident that MalcolmÆs three and a half
decades of operational and management experience across various facets of the
construction sector will prove very valuable in our full and proper consideration of
the Eqstra offer.ö commented Terry Rensen, chairman of the Independent Board.

Malcolm is a recognised construction professional, with many years in the industry at a
senior level. After more than 30 years with the LTA Group, he served as an executive
director of Grinaker LTA before his retirement in June 2002.

2. Responsibility statement

The Independent Board accepts responsibility for the information contained in this
announcement insofar as the information relates to Protech, and confirms that, to the
best of their knowledge and belief, the information is true and does not omit anything
likely to affect the importance of the information.

31 January 2013
Investment bank and transaction sponsor
Nedbank Capital

Legal advisor
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Communications Advisor
College Hill

Independent Expert
PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Finance Proprietary Limited

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