NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network that are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. If you are interested in interviewing any of the experts, please contact them via the contact information at the end of the listing.

If you are in need of additional experts, you can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network. You can filter your request by institution type and geographic location to get the most targeted responses. The best part? It's free! Just fill out the query form to get started:

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    --  How Do You Use Mobile in Your Reporting?


    --  Gender Clouds Question of Parental Rights
    --  Exercise Care in Pursuing Employee Wellness
    --  Early Detection Key to Increase Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rate
    --  Dating Safety
    --  Should Your Date Your Co-Worker?
    --  Tips to Get the Perfect Eyebrows


    --  Staff Writer - Virginian Pilot (VA)
    --  Sports Writer - Lodi News-Sentinel (CA)
    --  Reporter - Southern Illinoisan (IL)


    --  Book Ghostwriting 101: What Authors Need to Know to Succeed
    --  Top Professional Goals of 2015
    --  PR Newswire's Media Moves: Jan. 19 Edition


To better understand how members of the media use mobile devices (phones or tablets) to produce stories, PR Newswire for Journalists is asking users to participate in a quick, eight-question survey. The survey will remain open until Feb. 15:


Gender Clouds Question of Parental Rights
Amber Liddell Alwais
Family Law Attorney
Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson, L.L.P. in San Antonio
Non-traditional families are taking note of the case of a transgendered Texas man's quest to continue his parental relationship with the two boys he helped raise for the better part of a decade while in a committed relationship with their mother. The visitation rights of a non-biological, non-adoptive parent are often murky enough under state law without the added factor of gender or sexual identity. Says Alwais: "There are very few legal remedies for the person who is not a biological parent when a relationship ends, even if they are the only mother or father the child has ever known. In this case, that challenge is magnified by the argument that he does not have standing because he was not born a male. The challenge to standing is the same that any parent in a same-sex relationship might face. But in general, if someone has otherwise proven to be a loving, nurturing parent, their gender should not be a legal impediment in determining whether allowing them to continue that relationship is in the child's best interest."
Media Contact: Rhonda Reddick,

Exercise Care in Pursuing Employee Wellness
Liz Schartz
Thompson & Knight LLP in Dallas
Wellness programs have been around for years, but are becoming increasingly popular with businesses and employees alike since they encourage healthy lifestyle decisions that can lower insurance costs, increase productivity and reduce time off for illness. Recent studies show that more than half of all companies with 50 or more employees offer these types of programs; however, the free gym memberships, health screenings and discounted premiums can pose significant risks to employers. Says Schartz: "Even well-intentioned companies can violate any number of health privacy and anti-discrimination laws with these programs. There is also a lack of legal clarity in some cases about what constitutes voluntary or involuntary participation. The safest approach at this point is to structure these programs using options and incentives for participation, rather than penalties for non-participation."
Media Contact: Barry Pound,

Early Detection Key to Increase Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rate
Dr. Wei Jia
Associate Director of Shared Resources
University of Hawaii Cancer Center
"The greatest issue for pancreatic cancer is that it has a poor survival rate. Once the person is diagnosed, they are usually in the late stage. It is a very aggressive disease; it develops fast. Early detection helps the patient prognosis improve."
Dr. Jia's research interest involves defining the molecular mechanisms that link metabolic disruptions in gut microbial-host co-metabolism to metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal cancer. Several research projects are being conducted in Dr. Jia's group to decipher the complex metabolic interactions in gut-liver-brain axis and understand the metabolic defects associated with gastrointestinal carcinogenesis. He is also conducting a study researching a way to detect pancreatic cancer from a panel of five metabolites found in the blood plasma. Dr. Jia is based in Honolulu and is fluent in Mandarin.
Media Contact: Nana Ohkawa,

Dating Safety
Maria Coder
Dating Safety Expert
Daters tend to flock to dating sites as Valentine's Day nears. Says Coder: "People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. It's important to pay attention to what people aren't telling you with words. Nobody says, 'I'm an axe murderer, let me buy you a beer.' It's your job to be your own bodyguard. It's your job to do your own due diligence."
Coder is the author of "InvestiDate: How to Investigate Your Date," and has free tools to help daters have fun, yet avoid the physical, financial and emotional dangers of dating. She is the host of two workshops, "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 101" and "Are You Dating an A*S?" She has appeared on "Today," "Steve Harvey Show," "Katie" and countless other TV shows. She has also been featured in newspapers and magazines. Based in New York City and fluent in Spanish, she is available to discuss how readers can do their own background checks, hear a date's voice without calling him/her pre-first date, etc.
ProfNet Profile:
Expert Contact:

Should Your Date Your Co-Worker?
Dr. Frieda Birnbaum
Research Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
"Dating a co-worker could be a big risk to your employment, especially if things end badly. Your actions may be in violation of your workplace sexual harassment policy. In addition to the legal implications, there are emotional issues at stake if the relationship fails. If one person is a supervisor to the other, the likelihood of tension increasing becomes a factor, and a shift in work motivation may occur. People with broken hearts may not be inclined to give their best efforts at work, especially if their co-worker caused the pain. Even if you decide to date a co-worker and things go OK, you risk your fellow co-workers finding out -- some of whom will perceive you differently. If the person you are dating is someone you supervise and you praise them for doing a great job, some people at the office will think it's because you're dating them. There are a few circumstances where dating at work might turn out to very successful (marriage); however, most of the time it is an unnecessary risk to your personal and professional life."
Based in the New York metropolitan area, Dr. Birnbaum is a research psychologist, psychoanalyst and author of "What Price Power: An In-Depth Study of the Professional Woman in a Relationship." She's an expert on depression, women's issues, and attaining happiness, and has been featured on "Oprah" and "20/20" as the oldest woman in the U.S. to have twins.
Media Contact: Ryan McCormick,

Tips to Get the Perfect Eyebrows
Sue Ismiel
CEO and Founder
"2014 seemed to be the year of the brow, with stars like Cara Delevingne spearheading the 'bigger is better' trend. However, with big brows comes big responsibilities -- that is, to keep them looking tidy and chic, not wild and bushy! So it's no surprise that one of the most Googled beauty questions of 2014 was how to shape eyebrows, according to Refinery 29. The shape of your eyebrows can have quite a dramatic effect on how your face looks, and an incorrect eyebrow shape can frame your face in an unflattering way. Trips to the salon to get your brows professionally done can be an expensive and time consuming process. Thankfully, there are many great tutorials and guides available online to help achieve the perfect brow shape at home. If your 2015 beauty resolution is to finally master shaping your brows, here are some handy brow shaping tips: 1) The inner edges of your brow should line up with the outside of your nose; 2) The highest point of your arch should be where the diagonal line extending from the outside of your nose to the outside of where your pupil would hit; 3) The outer edge of your brow should taper off at the point where your eyebrow and the diagonal line from your nose to the outside corner of your eye would intersect; 4) The bottom of your outer and inner edges should line up horizontally."
Ismiel built Nad's, an internationally renowned multimillion-dollar company, to solve her daughter's unwanted hair problem. She made the first batch of Nad's hair removal gel in her kitchen 23 years ago, and consumers can find the products today in leading retailers in the U.S., including Walgreens and Target. Ismiel can provide expert commentary on a range of beauty-related topics, including hair removal and skin care, along with various business-related topics, such as women in business, entrepreneurial topics, family business, direct marketing, and more.
ProfNet Profile:
Media Contact: Adrian Falk,



Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

    --  Staff Writer - Virginian Pilot (VA)
    --  Sports Writer - Lodi News-Sentinel (CA)
    --  Reporter - Southern Illinoisan (IL)



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