Phantom, the first company to provide an open community for Security Automation & Orchestration, announced a contest with $10,000 in cash prizes & more for developers and security analysts.

For decades, enterprises have been buying discrete security point products that do not interoperate. Security teams swivel between dozens of different consoles in order to react to events and defend themselves. While other industries have leveraged automation and orchestration, we have yet to see the security industry benefit.

Phantom is a Security Automation & Orchestration platform that integrates with existing security technologies in order to provide a layer of “connective tissue” between them. Phantom doesn’t replace existing security products, but instead uses Playbooks and Apps to make them smarter, faster and stronger. (Visit:

The Phantom Community Edition is a free download that offers organizations 100 actions per day to automate and orchestrate their security operations. Phantom is extensible, with Python based Apps, allowing anyone to expand the platform and contribute Apps to the Phantom App store. Similarly, Phantom Playbooks are also written in Python and can be customized at will. Community Playbooks are synchronized via Git and published on a public GitHub repository.

“We think an open community approach is the only way to build a Security Automation & Orchestration platform,” said Oliver Friedrichs, Phantom Founder & CEO. “Phantom already integrates with over 40 point products, but that’s only the beginning. We’re putting our money where our mouth is to help build the community, give people a chance to showcase their skills and advance their efforts in protecting their organization all at once.”

Contestants will create Playbooks & Apps that will be evaluated by a panel of judges from the security industry. The contest begins on January 20, 2016 and runs through April 15, 2016.

Contest rules and further instructions are available at Follow @TryPhantom for contest updates.

About Phantom:

Phantom is the only purpose-built security automation & orchestration platform and the first to provide an open community for sharing Playbooks and Apps. Read more: