To strengthen the province's online commodity trading and related services monitoring, boost e-commerce and the Internet economy to become the province's new economic growth point and promote the healthy and orderly development of the province's online market, the provincial industry and commerce bureau prepared and issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Regulated and Orderly Development of Online Commodity Trading and Related Services".

The "Opinions" include four aspects and 28 items. First, foster online trading platforms and provide efficient services. Guide enterprises to create e-commerce platforms; support the development of an online commodity trading market and achieve organic integration of tangible and intangible markets; promote industry websites and enterprises to develop online transactions; encourage individuals to carry out online commodity trading and support individuals to achieve employment and entrepreneurship through the Internet; strengthen key supports and further promote the online market to grow bigger and stronger; promote entity operation to extend to online operation and develop a diversified and multi-level three-dimensional online operation model; foster and develop e-commerce in rural areas , promote the circulation of agricultural products and create Jilin Province's distinctive and branded online store of agricultural specialties; play the role of a comprehensive regulatory services platform to serve the development of online market. Second, broaden access conditions and support legitimate operation. Support the integration of industrial and commercial registration and online filing; encourage large distribution companies and well-known companies to add online trading platform projects in the scope of operation; guide online operators to handle industrial and commercial registration; broaden the registration name of enterprises. Third, standardize online trading behaviors and optimize the online environment. Increase the investigation and punishment of illegal behaviors infringing the interests of consumers; carry out online inspections and create an online quick mediation mechanism; develop and promote model contracts on online commodity trading and related services and promote the use of electronic contracts adapting to online commodity trading; strengthen the treatment of online frauds with contracts; combat illegal network marketing; strengthen the supervision and management of online advertising; protect the exclusive right of online operators to use trademarks; strengthen multi-sectoral cooperation and promote online monitoring services to be in place. Fourth, maintain the order of online market and promote the construction of legal right safeguarding and credit systems. Guide the establishment of online consumption dispute settlement, consumption right safeguarding and self-regulation systems and promote the development of online compliant and report website 12315; guide and supervise operators providing online trading platforms to fulfill the statutory obligations and responsibilities; establish an online consumption early-warning mechanism and do online consumption education and guidance well; support the establishment of an association of online merchants and promote industry self-regulation; safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of online consumers and operators  by law; strengthen the construction of online market credit system and push forward building a website credit evaluation system.

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