PC Helps, the premier provider of 24/7, expert, on-demand support for core office software applications and mobile devices used every day by corporate employees, today announced that it has changed its name to Vitalyst. The name change was driven by market changes occurring over the last several years and the evolution of the company's service offering.

"The name Vitalyst reflects the critical need we serve - helping individual business users avoid wasted time and frustration by answering questions about how to use their applications and devices, and acting as an organizational catalyst for our clients to fundamentally improve new technology adoption, employee productivity and the business user experience," said Brian Madocks, CEO of Vitalyst.

With the much broader range of computers, devices and applications now available, the company's service offering has evolved with the changing marketplace, and expanded to support the full range of productivity applications on all of the form factors available today. In addition, the company's services now include enterprise mobility and cloud-delivered services support, self-help tools and resources, web-based and onsite training. Support for migrations has been, and continues to be, a significant portion of business.

One of the most notable market changes of late is the proliferation of new device types and the increasing demand for support among business users. According to a July 2013 Gartner research note, "Smartphones and tablets are becoming standard business devices for a growing number of users. In most cases, these devices do not replace PCs; they add to the number of devices people use to do their jobs. The growth of devices has led to increased contacts to the IT service desk, resulting in augmented demand for assistance. In a 2013 Gartner survey, 81% of organizations reported that mobile devices have increased their service desk workload over the last two years." - Terrence Cosgrove, Jeffrey Brooks The Impact of Mobility on the IT Service Desk. First and foremost, Vitalyst is focused on prioritizing the business user experience, and works closely with an enterprise's existing internal or outsourced help desk to enable delivery of an increased level of customer service and satisfaction. Highly-trained Vitalyst productivity consultants first seek to understand the business user's end goal and then offer insightful solutions quickly and professionally - increasing efficiency through personalized one-to-one support. This support is delivered within the constructs and policies unique to each client, ensuring that the business user experience is tailored to their corporate or organizational environment versus generic, company-agnostic tech support.

Vitalyst is a resource to more than 450 US-based companies ranging in size from 20,000+ employees to companies with as few as 400 employees. For these clients, Vitalyst is providing support and training for many Microsoft Office and Windows migrations as companies upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 and Office 2010 or 2013, or Office 365, and for applications and tools such as Lync, SharePoint, Skydrive, Surface Pro, Windows phones and a wide range of other tablets and mobile phones. In addition to periodic migration support, many clients have long-term support agreements in place, and rely on Vitalyst as a critical standard component of their enterprise support organization.

About Vitalyst

Vitalyst provides expert application and device support for business users, and helps companies and government organizations to get more from their investments in technology by ensuring that their employees operate at peak performance with the productivity tools and applications they use daily. Technology innovation cycles such as software migrations, new device deployments, mobility initiatives and BYOD programs create challenges for business users and support organizations. To address these challenges, Vitalyst brings expert ready resources to expand client support capacity and depth. In partnership with the internal support organization, Vitalyst helps clients to deliver an exceptional business user experience through high caliber, individualized support. Vitalyst is a Microsoft Gold Devices and Deployment partner. For more information, follow updates on Twitter (@Vitalyst) and visit www.vitalyst.com.

Evan Siff, 617-624-3250