For years despite prodigious advances in hardware, personal video security has been limited to the home. It’s been open season on vehicles and technically impossible to identify car thieves, break in burglars and hit and run drivers. The limitations of software created an impenetrable barrier to bringing quality HD video to the car where security is needed the most… until NOW.

“Owl’s high-resolution cameras go where they are needed the most. Owl’s superpower is revolutionary software that records only the important events and alerts the driver when it detects potential security concerns. The bits of A.I. are smart enough to store and send ONLY the important information,” says veteran venture capitalist and Co-founder of Elevation Partners, Roger McNamee.

The Owl Network gives drivers the ability to stream and store 1440 HD video over 4G LTE for personal security by building the most advanced mobile security system. In just 10 months this transformative technology has empowered car owners to help identify and arrest car thieves, break in artists and hit and run drivers. Innocent drivers involved in crashes have been exonerated of blame by police within minutes of accidents saving them untold thousands. Insurance companies are processing and paying out claims faster because drivers now have the ability to get and share instant HD video evidence on their phone when they need it. The Owl Car Cam has even been credited with saving a young woman’s life.

Just how significant is Owl’s A.I. technology? McNamee emphatically states, “Over the course of a 36-year career as a tech investor, I have been lucky enough to work with some legendary startups and founders. Owl is positioned to join that list.”

Owl’s AI-powered Owl Car Cam operates via a 4G LTE network offering unparalleled protection for vehicles – driving and parked. Owl keeps drivers connected with vehicles anytime and anywhere. A.I. programmed sensors directs the Owl to recognize important events which it records and sends immediately to the driver’s phone. If Owl detects a serious crash, Owl 911 Assist contacts the driver via the camera and calls 911 if assistance is requested. If there is no response from the driver, the live agent dispatches emergency services to the location of the car.

“Originally we thought about bringing this A.I. technology to the home then we realized that every single person can relate to real and far more frequent pain caused by injury or financial loss around cars. Driving is the most dangerous thing we do every day. Whether driving or parked we need security,” says CEO Andy Hodge. Hodge who led teams on both the original iPod and iPhone at Apple is no stranger to transformative technologies and neither is his co-founder and fellow Microsoft HoloLens alumnus, Nathan Ackerman. “We solved the storage and streaming problem - the most vexing problem in personal security - by making it mobile and giving you video that you can actually use. Owl allows you to see faces and license plates, so drivers have a better representation of what happens. It is a game changer and the revolution has just begun.”

Since launching nationally from Palo Alto, CA in March, the Owl network has grown exponentially. A deeply engaged community of tens of thousands of drivers record and share video daily. Many members have reported the life altering effects of having Owl’s mobile video security.


“The Owl cam saved my life,” says gig worker and delivery driver Jen Nolasco of Passaic, New Jersey. Just six days after installing the security system, two men held Jennifer at knifepoint during a delivery. “I backed into the front of my car and pointed them to the green light and I said you’re being recorded. They immediately ran off. I truly believe the Owl Car Cam saved my life.” Using the video proof from Jen’s phone, Passaic Police quickly arrested the two assailants.

Having instant video proof that she was not at fault during a serious accident proved critical for Bay Area tech worker 26-year-old, Samantha Barton. During her 45-minute morning commute in October, Barton was rear ended with such force her car was pushed into the car in front of her totaling her car. “My first thought is this is going to cost money that I don’t have, but police looked at the video clip Owl sent to my phone and immediately determined that I was not at fault, so I didn’t have to pay anything to replace my car. “Statistically police reports that determine fault at the scene of accidents are accepted by insurance companies 90% of the time as fact. Owl Car Cam owners have reported time and time again that instant Owl video evidence has exonerated them from being falsely accused.


Oceanside, CA. Owl car cam owner, Scott Makowski, called customer service on December 6, to report his Mercedes had been stolen from his driveway. Within minutes the Owl customer service representative was able to locate and send a video clip of the man who stole Makowski’s car. Makowski’s sister posted the car thief’s picture on social media and received a message on Facebook saying, “that guy is my cousin.” Makowski called the thief and demanded his car back. The thief refused and asked him for $2000.” Instead, Makowski went to the police and provided the video evidence as proof and the 26-year-old thief was arrested. Makowski got his Mercedes back.


Owl’s founders take privacy very seriously. The car camera is encrypted and only the driver has access to the footage. “Having been part of the original iPhone team at Apple, Owl’s founder Andy Hodge knows the importance of delivery security solutions that also protect privacy,” assures Roger McNamee who has written extensively on the sanctity of consumer privacy.

With a network of drivers using and sharing instant video as a community that have generated millions of views, Owl forecasts a future where the ability to share accurate information instantly will lead to better outcomes in cases of natural disasters. “Imagine how helpful Owl might have been in Paradise, California during the wildfires if a network of drivers armed with Owl cameras had been able to share instant accurate information about which roads led to safety and which led to danger in real time,” says CEO Hodge. From individual commuters to fleet drivers to the Chief Security Officer of the household managing teen or elderly drivers—The Owl Car Cam is the MUST have security device for 2019.