OutSystems, provider of the number one low-code platform for rapid application development, today announced two new code-review offerings from partner, Omnext. Omnext Fit Test and Stay Fit will help organizations ensure that all OutSystems applications they build adhere to best practices for maintainability, reliability, performance, and security. This will effectively reduce technical debt of new software before deployment.

Research estimates that new business applications contain at least $1M in technical debt upon release. As software is updated and new functionality added, that number increases as organizations struggle to balance quality with delivery speed. Accenture’s CIO survey in early 2018 revealed that 70 percent of CIOs want to keep existing core systems as long as possible. As well, 70 percent also said that legacy debt is limiting their ability to innovate.

Through reports and dashboards, the new Omnext services give organizations a third-party-validated risk analysis that helps them quantify their quality standards so they can move forward faster, with less risk and effort. Omnext Fit Test provides a snapshot-in-time, deep risk analysis of code based on the ISO 25010 quality model. Customers can then use the Stay Fit program to schedule a risk analysis to match their development teams’ efforts, such as after sprints or every week.

For example, KPMG, a global professional services firm and OutSystems 2018 Partner of the Year, is using the Omnext services to help its clients identify and remediate potential risks in generated code before it can impact critical production environments. As part of the launch of these new services, Omnext and KPMG are offering each OutSystems customer a free analysis of one of their apps (Quick Fit Test). The output of the scan will include a high-level report expressing an overall quality risk indication. In addition, the report will also include an overview of most common Best Practice violations found in the app.

“OutSystems delivers a platform that can take a lot of the burden out of the developers' hands when adopted successfully,“ said Joost Koedijk, partner digital enablement at KPMG. “Development is rarely perfect and errors can, and usually will, occur. Tools like Fit Test 4 OutSystems by Omnext allow us to do an efficient and automated deep-dive into the technical quality of the developed software and help our clients improve the quality and maintainability of their solutions.”

“IT teams using low-code platforms are moving faster than ever, so it’s imperative that the code we build or layer onto existing systems isn’t introducing new legacy debt,” said Mike Hughes, senior director of product marketing for OutSystems. “These new services developed through our partnership with Omnext offer peace of mind to organizations. They now have a way of knowing that new apps and functionality aren’t introducing unnecessary risk and won’t impact service delivery or availability.”

To learn more and register for a complimentary app analysis, please visit https://www.omnext.com/en/outsystems-quick-fit-test

About Omnext

Omnext specializes in software analysis for almost 20 years and is the first company to provide fully automated ‘code reviews’ (Fit Tests) for OutSystems applications worldwide. Omnext was founded from the observation that organizations are becoming more and more dependent on their software applications and struggle with quality related challenges. To help these organizations to (re)gain control over their application landscape by managing risk and increasing quality, Omnext developed the Fit Test platform.

The Fit Test platform currently supports over 40 different programming languages and technologies and allows users to perform what can be described as an ‘automated peer review’ whenever required. By analyzing your applications on a frequent basis, our platform provides insight in quality characteristics based on the ISO-25010 guideline for software quality, such as Maintainability, Performance, Reliability and Security. In other words, our Fit Tests enables your development teams, and organization as a whole, to stay in control over your software’s quality at all times.

Visit us at www.omnext.com or LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/omnext.

About OutSystems

Thousands of customers worldwide trust OutSystems, the number one low-code platform for rapid application development. Engineers with an obsessive attention to detail crafted every aspect of the OutSystems platform to help organizations build enterprise-grade apps and transform their business faster. OutSystems is the only solution that combines the power of low-code development with advanced mobile capabilities, enabling visual development of entire applications that easily integrate with existing systems. Visit us at www.outsystems.com, or follow us on Twitter @OutSystems or LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/outsystems.