Regulatory News:

Orano is pleased to announce the signature today of the strategic contract for the French nuclear sector [Contrat Stratégique de la Filière Nucléaire]. With its 13,000 employees in France, Orano plays an active role in the development of an innovative nuclear industry with a long-term future, creating jobs with a high degree of technical expertise across all territories where it is present, generating technical innovations and contributing to the fight against climate change.

In terms of employment, to ensure that its skills are reinforced on a regular basis and meet the needs of its sites mainly located on the Cotentin peninsula, in the Drôme and the Paris region, the group has recruited more than 800 talented new employees in one year and invested heavily in training and professional development courses. Whilst putting its policy of equality and diversity to the fore, and in conjunction with the numerous partnerships established with institutions of ongoing further or vocational education, the group offered a place to more 500 new work/study trainees in 2018.

On the innovation front, Orano is incorporating new digital technologies into its industrial facilities and working methods with a view to accelerating the development of innovative solutions for its customers: a digital transformation which is shaping the future of the nuclear fuel cycle thanks to industrial applications of virtual reality or augmented reality supporting to serve Industry 4.0. Already deployed within the group, these technologies for example allow those performing interventions to prepare for complex operations, or can be used to enable the design of new equipment to be validated without recourse to physical mock-ups.

The group’s capacity for innovation is well known, and was recognized at the World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE), where Orano won a top prize for innovation.

The group is also investing in the nuclear plant of the future by modernizing its industrial facilities. With the Georges Besse II and Philippe Coste facilities, Orano now has the most modern conversion and enrichment plants in the world at Tricastin and Malvési. Orano is also putting 200 million euros of investment a year into nuclear safety and securing the long-term future of its recycling site at la Hague.

In relation to the circular economy within the sector, Orano contributes actively by recycling used nuclear fuel at its la Hague and Melox plants. This solution makes it possible to reduce the quantity and radioactivity of waste. Recycling also allows us to save on raw materials. In France, close to one in ten bulbs work thanks to recycled nuclear material. With the recycling of uranium and used MOX fuels, we could achieve savings of as much as 20 to 30% on raw materials.

About Orano
Orano transforms nuclear materials so that they can be used to support the development of society, first and foremost in the field of energy.
The group offers products and services with high added value throughout the entire nuclear fuel cycle, from raw materials to waste treatment. Its activities, from mining to dismantling, as well as in conversion, enrichment, recycling, logistics and engineering, contribute to the production of low-carbon electricity.
Orano and its 16,000 employees bring to bear their expertise and their mastery of cutting-edge technology, as well as their permanent search for innovation and unwavering dedication to safety, to serve their customers in France and abroad.
Orano, giving nuclear energy its full value.
Twitter: Oranogroup