NEW YORK, Jan. 23, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- One Day University, the adult learning company that brings superstar professors from the nation’s top colleges and universities to entertain and enlighten audiences around the country, will be at the Cape May Convention Center on Saturday June 24th, 2017. 

Since launching in 2006, One Day University has grown from a single half-day event in New York City to a series of full- and half-day programs in 55 cities around the country, including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Charlotte, Dallas, and many others. 

One Day University events are especially popular among baby boomers. Longer-lived and better educated than any generation before them – 94% have college degrees and many also have graduate degrees – they are eager to keep their minds active and their leisure time stocked with alternatives to the beach and the golf course.

Founder and President Steven Schragis calls One Day University events “edutainment,” a kind of highly accessible and intellectually stimulating performance that invites professors to unleash the entertainer within and listeners to sit back, relax, and open their minds.

To find presenters, One Day University scours the country’s best colleges and universities, looking for professors whose lectures are standing-room-only and whose student ratings are through the roof. Then they invite them to present one-hour, highlights-reel versions of their most oversubscribed courses to an educated, well-heeled audience eager to enjoy the benefits of college without any of the burdens.

For more information and to view curricula from One Day University events, please visit website and contact Cape May Promotor Norris Clark at and One Day University Director Steven Schragis at The June 24th program at the Cape May Convention is detailed below: 

  • Hamilton vs. Jefferson: The Rivalry that Shaped America - Louis Masur / Rutgers University
  • Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness - Catherine Sanderson / Amherst College 
  • What Makes Frank Sinatra Great? - Anna Celenza / Georgetown University

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