11/01/2013 - The OECD will participate in the Gaidar Forum in Moscow 16-19 January and will launch the Russian version of its award-winning Better Life Index [Russian version: http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/ru/]. 

The Gaidar Forum, organised annually by RANEPA (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration), gathers heads of regional and federal authorities, financial and business leaders, top managers, experts, analysts and scientists from around the world. The Forum is open to the press.

The OECD's Better Life Index in Russian will be officially launched at 09.30 (Moscow time) on Friday 18 January at the Gaidar Forum (see the BLI brochure in Russian).  An interactive demonstration of the index will be available during the Forum.

The Better Life Index is an innovative online tool that lets people visualise and compare some of the key factors - like education, housing, environment -  that contribute to well-being. The index allows users to see how countries perform according to the importance that they give to each of 11 topics that make for a better life. Unlike traditional OECD analyses, the OECD does not rank countries in the Better Life Index - users of the site do the ranking. Already available in English and French, the index has been translated into Russian with the help of RANEPA.

>> To register for the Gaidar Forum and related issues, contact RANEPA media manager, Evgenia Dubovitskaya, at:


>> To get information about the Better Life Index or request an interview, thank you for contacting Bochra Kriout at the OECD Media Division:  (+33 1 45 24 14 28, Bochra.Kriout@oecd.org).

Read more:

How's Life? Measuing Well-being

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