24/01/2013 - Economic Assessment launches Thursday 31 January 2013, in Bogota / Seminar on the Colombian Economy, on 1 February at Universidad de los Andes

The OECD's latest Economic Assessment of Colombia, to be published on Thursday 31 January 2013, discusses how economic reforms over the past two decades have yielded strong growth and contributed to the country's resilience to the global economic crisis. The study assesses policies needed to maintain robust growth and make the Colombian economy more inclusive. It assesses the benefits and risks posed by the commodities boom and proposes a range of potential reforms to boost productivity, reduce income inequality and improve labour market performance.

OECD Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist Pier Carlo Padoan will present the Survey during a news conference with Colombian  Minister of Finance and Public Credit Mauricio Cardenas and Central Bank Governor Jose Dario Uribe from 13:00 p.m. (Bogota Time) on 31 January, at the Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros (Calle 73 No. 8-13, Bogota).

The survey will be available to journalists on the OECD's password-protected website at 8:00 p.m. Paris time for immediate release.

An Overview with the main conclusions will be freely accessible in pdf format on the OECD's web site at www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/colombia2013.htm. You are invited to include this internet link in media articles about the Assessment.

Journalists wishing to attend the news conference should contact Erika Delgado, press secretary to the Colombian finance minister (edelgado@minhacienda.gov.co, tel: + 571 381 2351) or  the OECD's Media Division (+33 1 4524 9700, news.contact@oecd.org).

Journalists will be allowed advance access to the electronic version of the OECD Economic Assessment of Colombia, by e-mail and under embargo, the day before release.

The study will be sent by e-mail on request only. In asking to receive the Survey under embargo, journalists undertake to respect the OECD's embargo procedures. Requests to receive the survey by e-mail under embargo or to obtain a password to access the website should be sent by e-mail to embargo@oecd.org.


On Friday 1 February, from 9am to 12:00 p.m., the OECD will participate in an academic seminar on the Colombian economy, co-hosted by Fedesarrollo and Universidad de los Andes. An Overview of key findings and recommendations in the Economic Assessment of Colombia will be presented by Piritta Sorsa, head of division in the country studies branch of the OECD economics directorate. OECD senior economist Isabelle Joumard will present findings on reducing inequality. OECD economist Sebastian Nieto-Para will present recommendations on boosting productivity and increasing economic growth.

The seminar, which is open to the media, will take place at Auditorio SD 1003, Edificio Santodomingo, Universidad de los Andes, Calle 21 No. 1-20, Bogota, Colombia. To register, go to: http://economia.uniandes.edu.co/ocde. Further information is available from: David Bautista, Department of Economics, Universidad de los Andes (da.bautista47@uniandes.edu.co, +(571) 339 4949 Ext. 3778).

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