Nickel Institute >Media Centre > > Eurometaux Press Release - Low Carbon Economy

Brussels, Belgium, January 22, 2014 - 

As the European Commission proposes a comprehensive package on the future industrial, energy and climate change policy directions, Eurometaux, representing the non-ferrous metal industry, points to the importance of putting global competitiveness at the core of the future (industrial) policy design. Imposing additional cost burdens, without enabling mechanisms for industry to remain competitive internationally, will accelerate the shift of industry investment outside Europe. This will not only worsen global CO2 emission levels, but also create massive job losses across all value chains linked to these basic industries.

"Europe is still home to a world leading industry in terms of energy efficiency, emissions efficiency, sustainability and innovation, but for how much longer, given the skyrocketing costs and legislative risks imposed by EU policies on industry, especially regarding energy?" Oliver Bell, President of Eurometaux said. "The EU should prioritise its target to re-industrialise Europe up to 20% of GDP by 2020.  It will then be in a much better position to achieve its climate objectives, in the long run, as it is this same industry enabling to deliver those targets." he concludes.

Europe's objective of re-building industry's share of GDP, up to 20% by 2020, acknowledges the key role industry plays in delivering not only jobs and economic growth but also GHG emission reductions. In order to further innovate and maintain investments in Europe, industry needs a stable legislative framework with measures that ensure a level playing field, compared with its main competitors, and, in particular, to close the gap in energy prices. Recent figures have shown that industrial activity is still shrinking and that energy costs for industrial consumers are up to four times higher than in competing regions. This is of particular importance for the non-ferrous metals producers, who have no possibility to pass through additional costs into product prices.

Eurometaux is the Brussels-based EU association of the non-ferrous metals industry, representing the main EU and international metals producers, EU and international metal commodity groups and national metal federations. The industry covers base metals (Al, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Sn, Sb), precious metals (Au, Ag, PGM´s) and technical metals (e.g. Co, W, Cr, Mo, Mn), manufactured from both virgin and recycled raw materials.

For further information, please contact: Jernej Vernik, Energy and Climate manager at or Guy Thiran, Director General at

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