NYC 5G Wake-Up Call, and allied groups warning about the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields, and the roll out of 5th Generation wireless technologies, will join the Global Day of Protest to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space with a rally on the steps of the New York Public Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street on Saturday, January 25th from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

On the day prior, January 24th, New York activists will deliver the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space to the US Mission to the United Nations. The Appeal has been signed by 192,542 people and organizations from 203 Nations and Territories, including scientists, medical doctors, nurses, engineers, veterinarians, dentists, architects, builders, psychologists and a range of other professionals, including bee keepers whose hives are threatened by excessive levels of wireless radiation. The International Appeal will also be delivered to governments worldwide, calling attention to the growing threat to all life on earth from the microwaving of our ecosphere.

The NYC rally on January 25th will feature live music and expert speakers on wireless risks, including Patti Wood, Grassroots Environmental Education; Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at NYU; activist Camilla Rees, MBA, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications; and Doug Wood, Americans for Responsible Technology and 5G Crisis.

Rees says,

“The sheer number of radiating antennas being installed in close proximity to living, working and school environments should be alarming to us all – especially when there is a faster, safer, more secure approach to telecommunications–fiber optic cable to the premises (FTTP).” (See report Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks.)

Miller says,

“The New York Times is pushing 5G on the rest of us, because they're literally in business with Verizon; and their biggest individual shareholder, Carlos Slim, made his billions in the cell phone business.”

Doug Wood warns,

“The build-out of 5G without adequate testing represents an unprecedented assault on public health and safety, and the triumph of big business over the rights of individuals.”

NYC 5G Wake-Up Call says, "5G - Not so Fast!”

In support of the Stop 5G International Declaration, New Yorkers are joining protesters worldwide on January 25th in urgently calling for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites, and calling for new guidelines (not FCC) to protect our safety.

Participating groups: National and International participation in 5G Day of Action

NYC Rally Co-Sponsors:

NYC 5G Wake-Up Call

Americans for Responsible Technology

5G Crisis

Grassroots Environmental Education

Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications

Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook)

United for Action

New York City Friends of Clearwater

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