A telephone survey of voters conducted by the California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP), formerly known as the California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU), found that the state’s electorate is deeply opposed to a legislative proposal to eliminate their current health care coverage in California in favor of a government run single-payer healthcare system.

“The proposed single-payer law forces Californians into healthcare chaos while demanding they hand over an additional $200 billion per year in new state taxes,” said Brad Davis, president of CAHIP. “Thanks to state and federal investments, healthcare has never been more accessible and now is not the time to jeopardize the health and financial wellbeing of every Californian.”

The poll, commissioned by CAHIP, found:

  • Healthcare reform is not a leading issue for voters in 2022
  • Even in the wake of a pandemic, nearly three-quarters (72.1%) of Californians are satisfied with the timeliness, cost, quality, availability, and accessibility of their current health care coverage
  • Nearly a supermajority (64.5%) oppose legislation establishing single payer healthcare with 54.2% strongly opposing the legislative proposal

Specifics of the proposed AB 1400 (Kalra) would eliminate all existing public and private individual and group health insurance coverage, including Medicare, Medi-Cal, Long-Term Care, and Covered California, and shift responsibility for administering and financing health coverage to the state government. CAHIP noted that the poll results found that different age groups, demographics and ethnic backgrounds all shared opposition to the proposed single-payer healthcare system.

“Despite renewed efforts by some lawmakers to establish a government-run single payer healthcare system in California, voters want our elected leaders to focus on solving the public health crises at hand, such as fixing the homeless epidemic, instead of conducting political science experiments with our healthcare,” said Bruce D. Benton, vice president of public affairs for CAHIP. “AB 1400 would effectively abolish private health insurance in California and mandate a government-run healthcare monopoly called CalCare.”

“California is still dealing with COVID-19 -- AB 1400 would leave Californians with an astronomical bill for their healthcare, little accountability and no guarantee of better or even similar care,” said Davis. “We urge the Assembly to listen to Californians and oppose AB 1400, which would force every single resident into a new, untested government-run healthcare system with no ability to opt out and no guarantees that they could keep their doctors or benefits.”

About California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP)

CAHIP is the state’s largest association of health insurance agents, brokers, and other health insurance industry professionals. Our members help millions of individual Californians, families and businesses evaluate, select, purchase, and use their healthcare coverage plans. Our agents and brokers also serve as consumer advocates for policyholders and their families year-round to help with questions and if coverage disputes arise - all at no additional cost to the consumer. CAHIP works diligently with stakeholders, legislators, and regulators to ensure the best possible outcomes for Californians. For more information go to www.cahu.org.

Survey Methodology

From Nov. 5 through Nov. 9, 2021, J. Wallin Opinion Research conducted a telephone survey of voters throughout the state of California. One thousand voters were interviewed, in both Spanish and English, using both mobile and landlines (88.8% of this survey was completed on mobile phones). The sample is stratified and has a margin of error of +/-3.1% (95% confidence interval). An executive summary of the poll and its methodology are available. For complete survey methodology, please contact Faith Lane Borges at 916-441-5050.