American Student Assistance® is pleased to announce a new collaboration for its SALT™ ( program to help the members of the academic medicine community across the United States and Canada strengthen their financial literacy and money management skills. SALT is a leading financial education and engagement program that empowers students and alumni of every academic discipline to confidently approach, manage, pay for and pay back college costs while gaining financial skills for life.

Under a three-year agreement announced today, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) will provide SALT’s financial education resources to medical students and residents represented by its member medical schools and teaching hospitals, as well as to the faculty and staff who advise medical students.

“Together with the AAMC, SALT looks forward to proactively helping medical school borrowers expand their financial literacy, make smart decisions about student loans, and manage their student debt wisely,” said Paul Combe, ASA president and CEO.

This program is free for medical students and residents at AAMC member institutions and offers robust online features, including SALT’s signature “My Money 101™” online personal finance curriculum. SALT also provides search engines for scholarships, blogs, articles, videos, calculators, tools, and apps that teach users how to take control of their finances.

Additionally, medical schools can partner with SALT to provide graduates with one-on-one student loan counseling from SALT experts, as well as proactive, customized information and guidance at regular intervals throughout their student loan repayment process.

Nearly 300 higher education institutions, nonprofits and corporate sponsors nationwide currently partner with SALT to bring its resources to approximately 2.5 million students and alumni.

Visit to learn more about partnership opportunities with SALT.

About SALT and American Student Assistance: SALT is a free educational resource that provides money knowledge for college and beyond. With a combination of helpful tools, tailored information, and unbiased expertise, SALT helps young people successfully pay for, and repay, college costs. SALT was created by American Student Assistance, a nonprofit organization with 50+ years’ experience helping people make better decisions about financing their education and repaying student loans. Visit or for more information.

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