January 9, 2015


the voice of the sorghum industry

New Congress Begins

The 114th Congress was sworn in Tuesday on Capitol Hill, marking the beginning of the new session. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) took their new roles as chairmen of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees. Additionally, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will assume the role as Majority Leader with republicans holding Senate majority, and Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will continue to serve the House.

Sorghum Exports Surpass 2013-2014 Marketing Year Totals

Exports for the 2014-2015 marketing year, which began Sept. 1, 2014, have reached 237.4 million bushels (6 MMT), quickly surpassing the 2013-2014 marketing year totals. The last time U.S. sorghum exports were above 6 MMT was during the 2007-2008 marketing year when the European Union was a market contender. While the export market has potential to continue growing, it is going to become increasingly difficult as supply tightens. These market totals represent a 19-year high and are lending to improved basis.

Sorghum Supports Launch of U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba

The public launch of the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba was held Thursday Jan. 8, 2015, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The coalition is aiming to re-establish the Cuban export market for U.S. food and agriculture. The coalition is comprised of more than 25 U.S. food and agriculture companies and associations who want to advance trade relations between the U.S. and Cuba. The Cuban export market is another growth opportunity for the American sorghum industry.

Early Registration for 20th Commodity Classic Ends Jan. 15.

The deadline for saving on registration fees to the 20th Commodity Classic in Phoenix, Ariz. ends Thursday, Jan. 15. Full registration includes admission to:

  • All educational sessions including Learning Centers, Early Riser sessions and What's New sessions
  • The huge trade show, including box lunch on Thursday and Friday and a mid-morning snack on Saturday in the trade show
  • The General Session featuring top-notch speakers and the leadership of the commodity organizations
  • The banquet of the American Soybean Association or National Corn Growers Association (based on space availability and not guaranteed)
  • The Evening of Entertainment featuring country music star Craig Morgan
  • The Opening Reception

Commodity Classic is America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused convention and trade show, produced by the National Corn Growers Association, American Soybean Association, National Association of Wheat Growers and National Sorghum Producers. Registration and additional details about the event are available at

USDA Seeking Public Comments on EQIP Program Rule

The United States Department of Agriculture is working to publish a rule that will outline how improvements can be made to the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). USDA is hosting a 60-day comment period for the interim rule. This can be accessed through the Federal Register. The deadline to comment is Feb. 10, 2015. Full details are available in the Federal Register notice.

New Mexico Sorghum Association Meeting to be held Jan. 20

The New Mexico Sorghum Association will host its annual meeting Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. National Sorghum Producers' Chris Cogburn and Tim Lust will present the latest farm bill information and analysis, giving producers the tools they need to make the right decision for their farms. Producers will also have the opportunity to hear from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agronomist Calvin Trostle on basic tips for grain sorghum production. The meeting will be held at the Clovis Civic Center in Clovis, N.M. at 6:00 p.m. A meal will be provided during the meeting at no cost to attendees.

Mark Your Calendars for Sorghum U in Perryton, Texas

The 2015 edition of Sorghum U in Texas will take place in Perryton, Texas, Jan. 28 at Frank Phillips College. Growers can expect an agenda full of tips and tricks focused on agronomic practices, the farm bill and more. For more information about the event and to register, please visit

Upcoming Sorghum Events

Jan. 12             NSP Farm Bill Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas

Jan. 12             NSP Farm Bill Meeting, Monte Alto, Texas

Feb. 2               NSP Farm Bill Meeting, West Helena, Ark.

For a full view of calendar events, visit the NSP website calendar.
Market News - To view this week's Gulf export grain report, click here.

Sign Up to Receive the Sorghum Checkoff e-Newsletter

Sorghum producers can also receive monthly e-Newsletters from the United Sorghum Checkoff Program. To receive monthly news and information regarding the Sorghum Checkoff's efforts in sorghum research, education and market development, sign up at You can also follow the Sorghum Checkoff on Twitter @SorghumCheckoff.

About Sorghum Notes

Sorghum Notes is a publication of the National Sorghum Producers. NSP represents U.S. sorghum producers and serves as the voice of the sorghum industry from coast to coast through education and legislative and regulatory representation. To learn more about NSP, visit our website at Write to us at National Sorghum Producers, 4201 N Interstate 27, Lubbock, TX 79403. To unsubscribe to Sorghum Notes, please reply to If you have questions about the sorghum industry or the National Sorghum Producers, please do not hesitate to call NSP at 800-658-9808. You can also follow NSP on Twitter @SorghumGrowers.

Quote of the Week:
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."

- Ronald Reagan

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Call NSP at (800) 658-9808 to learn more.

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