WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Press Club is establishing a Club room to monitor the return of Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian from Iran. Press reports today out of Iran suggest that Jason has been set free in a prisoner exchange. "We are guardedly optimistic about this news which, if true is a wonderful and breathtaking development," said National Press Club President Thomas Burr. Journalists may gather at the 14(th) floor Reliable Source which is generally closed on Saturdays. There will be a room on the 13(th) floor as well open to the public may that will be set up to monitor what is expected to be wall-to-wall coverage from the news channels and online media.

"The leaders, members and staff of the National Press Club have been fully committed to Jason's release since his unjust detention in July 2014. We are gratified and happy to hear that he will soon be returned to his family. We salute the Washington Post and the Rezaian family especially Ali Rezaian for their courage and commitment to this fight. Our hearts are full for them and for Jason," said Burr.

Contact: Bill McCarren, 202-662-7534 for the National Press Club


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SOURCE National Press Club