Tuesday 1/28/2014 NITC resumes oil delivery to six Asian nations The National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) is poised to carry crude oil to Asian buyers in its own vessels as sanctions ease following the implementation of Iran's nuclear deal with world powers, the NITC chief says.

TEHRAN Jan. 28 (NIOC) _ Ali Akbar Safaei said on Sunday that "The obstacles to NITC's services in carrying Iran crude oil to China, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea according to the [determined export] ceiling have been removed based on Iran's agreement with the P5+1,"

"Based on this [agreement], from now own, there will be no obstacles to insurance coverage, banking and other services related to international navigation for this company (NITC) with regards to crude oil delivery to the six destination countries (China, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea) according to [the determined export] ceiling," said Safaei.

The official added that NITC expects a "quick return" to the international oil market beyond the six Asian states.    

Iran crude oil exports have increased in January for the third consecutive month as sanctions against the Islamic Republic are gradually relieved following the nuclear deal.


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