Concerns over inconsistent and unnecessary charges levied on livestock farmers who send cattle to abattoirs have been raised by the NFU Beef Group.

One of the biggest areas of contention are deductions to deal with Specified Risk Material (SRM) from carcases which vary widely at plants around the country and do not seem to have fallen with the relaxation in BSE sampling rules.

Farmers are now calling on abattoirs to show more transparency over their charging policies particularly around SRM disposal.

NFU Beef Group chairman Andy Foot said: "The evidence we have seen is that the charges levied by plants across the industry are in a mess. With charges between sites for what is essentially the same operation varying so much, it does beg the question of whether some of these charges can really be justified.

"We would like to see abattoirs review their charges to ensure they are fair, transparent and that spurious charges are removed."

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