The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for eggs, pigs and poultry has announced it intends to hold an enquiry into planning, antibiotics and welfare.

It is calling for interested parties to submit written evidence.

Since the establishment of the APPG for eggs, pigs and poultry it has focused on raising the profile of these sectors. As part of this process they are calling for evidence to look at what effect the current rules on planning, antibiotics and welfare have.

Neil Parish MP, APPG for eggs, pigs and poultry chairman said: "All three sectors are a great national asset and it is important that their issues are raised.

"As part of this process the All Party Group intends to enquire into these issues facing our egg, poultry meat and pork industries.

Give your views:

Send your comments by 28 February 2014

Email: bmVpbC5wYXJpc2gubXBAcGFybGlhbWVudC51aw==
So the NFU can track any comments and follow up please copy in Gary Ford (Z2FyeS5mb3JkQG5mdS5vcmcudWs=)

Write: Neil Parish MP
House of Commons

"As a preliminary step we are calling for interested parties to let us have their views. This should help to keep the focus on the need to ensure the UK continues to benefit from strong farming sectors delivering affordable, quality, high welfare British produce."

Mr Parish, the MP for Tiverton and Honiton and formerly the chairman of the influential agriculture committee of the European parliament, said: "All three industries face significant challenges including high feed prices as well as significant costs imposed by farm animal welfare, environmental and food safety regulations agreed at the EU level. Whilst we support these we are particularly keen to ensure the UK is not in any way disadvantaged by an unlevel playing field with our EU partners or is burdening itself with 'gold-plated' legislation.

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Eggs, Pigs & Poultry was established in July 2012. The group is a cross-party body for Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords with an interest in the egg, poultry meat and pork sectors.

It was established to raise issues of concern to the industries concerned. The group has the support of the National Pig Association, the British Poultry Council, the British Egg Industry Council and the NFU.

For further guidance contact NFU chief poultry adviser, Gary Ford by email (Z2FyeS5mb3JkQG5mdS5vcmcudWs=)
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