MyDealerOnline®, Inc., the only digital product that allows car dealers to broker wholesale auto auction inventory straight from their own websites, is starting the new year off strong after receiving $1M in funding just before the close of 2015. With recent developments like new product features, prosperous partnerships and industry recognition, MyDealerOnline successfully secured financial support from the same group of investors as prior funding rounds. Now totaling $3.25M in funding, the additional $1M allows MyDealerOnline to focus on increasing its subscriber base, fostering growth among new and existing partnerships, and expanding its efforts internationally.

MyDealerOnline’s revolutionary technology has yet to be introduced to the automotive remarketing industry. A B2B service developed as an advantageous tool for remarketing vehicles, MyDealerOnline provides dealers with a greater inventory selection without increasing their working capital requirements or overhead availability. Contrary to popular websites designed to bypass dealers like Beepi and Vroom, MyDealerOnline works directly with dealers to help them satisfy consumer demand. “MyDealerOnline helps dealers engage with more retail customers by offering greater inventory selection to a wider audience,” states Scott Stephens, Vice President of Business Development. Even with the infiltration of automotive marketplaces online today, consumers still rely on dealers not only for purchasing vehicles but also for trade-ins, warranties, services and other add-ons available only from the professionals.

MyDealerOnline aims to revolutionize the car buying process for both the consumer and the dealer. Dealers can obtain more customers and sell cars without upfront capital investments while consumers have more options shopping at their local dealer. With inventory secured from local auctions surrounding Greater Philadelphia, nationally and auctions overseas, MyDealerOnline provides an opportunity to revolutionize automotive remarketing for dealers everywhere.

About MyDealerOnline®

MyDealerOnline® is a revolutionary digital product that allows car dealers to broker wholesale auto auction inventory straight from their websites. MyDealerOnline removes the guessing game from the wholesale car buying experience and enables dealers to “Sell Before You Buy.”