
Publication date : 25.01.2013

Minister Miko?aj Budzanowski and Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Treasury Pawe? Tamborski met on 18 January 2013 with representatives of the Business Centre Club. This is yet another in a series of meetings with company representatives interested in participating in the "Polish Investments" Programme.

The Minister of Treasury Miko?aj Budzanowski, discussing "Polish Investments", said: We followed the example of institutions which has been successfully operating in Europe, such as the EBRD and the EIB. This project is designed for Polish entrepreneurs and it is intended to support funding, which in turn will translate into a stimulus for investments.

During a meeting at BCC headquarters, the Ministry of Treasury presented the Programme's objectives and the principles on which private companies can count on the support for selected projects.

Publication date : 25.01.2013

Published by : Agnieszka Steindl
Author : Public Relations Office

Statystyka strony: 3 wizyt

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