Dr. Hassan Fakhro visited a number of car dealers and spare parts shops

27 January 2013

Within its continuous strive to support consumers' needs of products and goods, Industry and Commerce Minister Dr. Hassan Fakhro visited a number of car dealers and spare parts shops such as "Toyota", "Nissan", national motors, "Mazda", Hadad and Euro Motors.

During the visit, which was accompanied by a number of officials, the minister was detailed on a number of variables in auto market industry, which is one of the most important and vital sectors. The minister stressed the need to provide commitments by the suppliers of spare parts towards consumers and ensure suppliers to obtain high quality of spare part to ensure protection for auto users without raising the prices, valuing all steps pursued by many companies to stabilize this sector. 

The minister expressed government and ministry keenness to support the commercial sector in the kingdom of Bahrain and to facilitate all transactions and procedures that will achieve smooth required for this sector. 

From their part, officials confirmed their appreciation to the government and the Ministry for all efforts made in order to support the commercial sector and provide all possible facilities that the end will benefit the nation and citizens.

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